(A)   Trash pickup will be carried out by the city, or its franchisee, once weekly and shall apply only to trash placed in front of the subscriber’s residence.
('77 Code, § 7-4)
   (B)   All trash shall be deposited for collection between the sidewalk and curbline of the subscriber's property and not in city streets.
('77 Code, § 7-5) (Ord., passed 8-5-75)
   (C)   All businesses shall place the garbage intended for collection by the city at the rear of the establishment, except as otherwise permitted by the enforcing officer. ('77 Code, § 7-6)
   (D)   Residential garbage customers shall not place garbage and recyclable receptacles in the city’s right-of-way or in front of their residence for collection prior to 5:00 p.m. the night before the regularly scheduled pick-up. Residential garbage customers shall remove garbage receptacles from the city’s right-of-way or in front of their residence no later than 12 midnight of the day on which their garbage is pick up.
(Ord., passed 3-22-55; Am. Ord., passed 4-20-93; Am. Ord. 2001-24, passed 8-7-01; Am. Ord. 2013-5, passed 2-19-13; Am. Ord. 2020-44, passed 12-15-20)