(A)   The keeping of chickens shall be permitted as an accessory use in conjunction with detached, owner-occupied single-family dwelling uses.
   (B)   No more than 3 hens shall be housed or kept on any 1 detached owner-occupied single-family dwelling lot in any area of the city with a permit as outlined below. (Exception: Planned Development Districts that provide for single-family dwellings may not permit chickens unless specifically listed as a use in the regulations of the particular district.)
      (1)   Any person who seeks to own more than 3 hens at a single address must first apply and be approved for a multiple chicken permit by the city's Animal Control Officer.
      (2)   Multiple chicken permits are issued at the discretion of the Animal Control Officer. Single addresses shall not be permitted to possess more than 5 hens within the City of Vermillion.
      (3)   Multiple chicken permits will be issued to be valid for a period of 1 year from the date of issuance. Permit holders shall maintain their permit and display it to the Animal Control Officer upon request.
   (C)   Roosters are prohibited.
   (D)   Slaughtering of chickens on the property is permitted. Owners may slaughter chickens for the purpose of personal consumption on their property in areas not visible from the public right-of-way.
   (E)   Leg-banding of all chickens is required. The bands must identify the owner and the owner's address and telephone number.
   (F)   A separate coop is required to house the chickens. Coops must be constructed and maintained to meet the following minimum standards:
      (1)   Located in the rear or side yard;
      (2)   Setback at least 5 feet from the rear or side property lines;
      (3)   Rodent-proof coop construction and materials must be adequate to prevent access by rodents;
      (4)   Coops shall be constructed and maintained in a workmanlike manner; and
      (5)   Any structure or enclosure for keeping such animals may not be closer than 25 feet to any dwelling or building used for human habitation other than that of the owner of said animal or the owner's family.
   (G)   A run or exercise yard is required.
      (1)   Runs must be constructed and maintained to meet the following minimum standards:
         (a)   Location: rear or side yard at least 5 feet from the rear or side property lines.
         (b)   Size: no less than 16 square feet must be provided.
         (c)   Cover: adequate to keep hens in and predators out.
      (2)   Exercise yards must be fenced.
   (H)   Chickens must not be housed in a residential dwelling or an attached or detached garage.
   (I)   All premises on which hens are kept or maintained shall be kept clean from filth, garbage, and any substances which attract rodents. The coop and its surrounding must be cleaned frequently enough to control odor. Manure shall not be allowed to accumulate in a way that causes an unsanitary condition or causes odors detectible on another property.
   (J)   All grain and food stored for the use of the hens on a premise with a chicken permit shall be kept in a rodent-proof container.
   (K)   Hens shall not be kept in such a manner as to constitute a nuisance to the occupants of adjacent property.
   (L)   Dead chickens must be disposed of according to the South Dakota Animal Industry Board rules, which require chicken carcasses to be disposed of as soon as possible after death, usually within 48 to 72 hours. Legal forms of chicken carcass disposal include off-site burial, off-site incineration or rendering.
   (M)   Failure to comply with these conditions may result in revocation of a chicken permit and/or removal of chickens from the premises.
(Ord. 1337, passed 6-6-2022)