§ 53.019 LIFTS.
   (A)   Property owners may construct. The owners or developers of property in any area or district within the city where sanitary sewer service cannot be satisfactorily initiated or maintained without the installation of a sewer lift, may install at their own expense the necessary sewer lift together with all mechanical and electrical connections including a standby or auxiliary motor and pump. All plans and specifications for the sewer lift must be approved by the governing body of the city.
   (B)   Sewer lift to be constructed in streets or city to be assured access for maintenance. Whenever possible, any sewer lift station shall be installed within the limits of a public street; and no sewer lift shall be located elsewhere without the approval of the governing body. If it shall be necessary to construct any sewer lift station on private property, the owners or developers of the area or district to be served thereby shall procure without expense to the city the easement in or title to the property as may be necessary for the lift station, and may convey or assign the same to the city, it being the purpose of this section that the city shall be assured perpetual free and uninterrupted access to the sewer lift for the purpose of maintaining, repairing, or reconstructing the same.
   (C)   Dedication to public use. When any such sewer lift is completed it shall be inspected by the Electric Superintendent and by the Superintendent of Streets and Sewers, or by any other official designated by the governing body. If approved on the inspection, and the installation conforms to all requirements including sections of this code, the owners, developers, or installers of the sewer lift may dedicate the sewer lift installation to the city free of any cost to the city.
   (D)   Maintenance of sewer lift station by the city. After any sewer lift referred to in this code has been delivered to the city as herein provided, the city will thereafter maintain and service the sewer lift and provide the necessary electricity for its operation, provided, however, if any enlargement of the sewer lift is subsequently required the cost of the enlargement may be assessed against those served by the sewer lift according to the benefits derived.
   (E)   Construction. No provisions of divisions (A) through (D) above shall be construed to limit the city’s power to construct any sewer lift pursuant to statute.
(1975 Code, § 25-22) (Ord. 369, passed 2-16-1959)