Regulations regarding development of telecommunications towers, antenna structures and wireless communications facilities are intended to encourage the development of a competitive wireless communications marketplace while protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public and maintaining the aesthetic integrity of the community. The regulations cover the placement, construction, and modification of telecommunications facilities.
   (A)   A minimum distance of 300 feet from the telecommunications tower to any residentially zoned or used property measured from the base of the telecommunications tower to the property line. Exceptions: The Planning and Zoning Commission may grant an exception to the 300 feet distance from the telecommunications tower, but not less than a distance of twice the fall radius of the telecommunications tower, to any residentially zoned or used property for stealth or camouflaged towers only if a public hearing is conducted by the Planning and Zoning Commission wherein the design is approved. Notice of public hearing to approve the design shall be sent to all property owners within 300 feet at least 10 days prior. Application for Planning and Zoning Commission to consider an exception must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the hearing and include pictures and information on the proposed design(s), maximum tower height(s), and other information on the form provided by the city deemed appropriate for consideration of the exception request.
   (B)   A minimum distance of ½-mile between telecommunications towers measured from the base of 1 telecommunications tower to the base of another except when an existing antenna support structure is used to co-locate a wireless communication facility.
   (C)   Building permit shall include documented Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approval prior to permit issuance.
   (D)   The maximum height for telecommunications towers and wireless communications facilities shall not exceed 100 feet for single users or 200 feet for 2 or more users. When such structure is located in an airport approach zone, Federal Aviation Administration approval will be required prior to permit issuance. Wireless communications facilities on new telecommunications tower structures, antenna support structures, or co-located on existing telecommunications towers shall minimize visual impact on the city skyline.
   (E)   The tower shall be constructed in a manner that will make it inaccessible for unauthorized person to climb.
   (F)   Telecommunications towers, antenna support structures and equipment buildings shall be compatible with the architectural style of the surrounding built environment, considering exterior materials, roof form, scale, mass, color, texture and character. Equipment buildings may be located underground where feasible. To prevent undue concentration of telecommunications towers, consideration should be given to co-location as a first alternative.
   (G)   (1)   A telecommunications tower site and tower base adjacent to residential property shall be provided with a fence, wall, berm or shrubbery of sufficient height and of a character necessary to provide adequate visual screening. Where the adjacent property is across public right-of-way from a telecommunications tower site, screening shall be provided in all cases except when the right-of-way is an arterial street.
      (2)   Existing vegetation and grades on the site shall be preserved as much as possible. Natural growth around the property perimeter on large, wooded lots may be considered a sufficient buffer to telecommunications towers. In locations where the visual impact of the telecommunications tower would be minimal, the screening requirement may be reduced or waived.
      (3)   Adjacent to a residentially used or zoned property, natural materials shall be used for fence screening. If chain-link fencing is needed for safety and security, additional landscape screening shall be required outside the chain-link fence to screen public view of the telecommunications tower site.
(Ord. 1189, passed 7-7-2008; Am. Ord. 1366, passed 2-5-2018; Am. Ord. 1409, passed 12-2-2019)