(A)   Purpose. The regulations set forth in this section or set forth elsewhere in the Vermillion Zoning Ordinance when referred to in this section are the district regulations in the Cottage Place Planned Development District. The purpose of this district is to provide for mixed use commercial and residential areas within the Planned Development District. All city ordinances apply to the Planned Development District.
   (B)   Area A (mixed use commercial and residential areas). All city ordinances apply to the planned development district identified as Area A except for those modified below.
      (1)   Permitted uses (Area A).
Permitted Uses
Applicable Standards
Permitted Uses
Applicable Standards
Retail trade or service
Offices, non-commercial, non-construction and non-industrial
Personal service
Mixed-use building
Accessory building or use
§§ 155.070, 155.095(A)
All parking lots being 8 feet from all residential properties.
Drug store
Day care center
Adequate and safe playground area with fence 4 feet high.
A safe pickup and drop off area must be provided for the children.
Neighborhood utility facility
Veterinarian, small animal
Off premise parking
§ 155.095(A)
      (2)   Conditional uses (Area A).
Conditional Use
Applicable Standards
Conditional Use
Applicable Standards
Public utility facility
Funeral home
Private club
On-sale alcoholic beverage establishment
Located at least 500 feet from a school. Measured from the closest point of the outside walls of both structures.
Off-sale alcoholic beverage establishment
Located at least 500 feet from a school. Measured from the closest point of the outside walls of both structures.
Motor vehicle repair
Subject to an adequate number of parking spots to allow temporary storage of the cars only while being repaired.
Car wash
Five storage spaces for each bay beyond off-street parking requirements and the water from the car wash contained on the site.
Motor vehicle sales, display, and rental
Subject to screening of all outdoor storage of parts from view.
Subject to screening of all outdoor storage from view when abutting a residential district.
Public service facility
Wholesale trade
   (C)   Area B (commercial, multi-dwelling, mixed use). Area B is identified to allow multi-dwelling equivalent to R-3 off of Cherry Street frontage. Area B will utilize the same permitted uses as Area A with the addition of the following. Area B will utilize the same conditional uses as Area A without any additions.
      (1)   Permitted uses (Area B).
Permitted Uses
Applicable Standards
Area A permitted uses
See Area A permitted uses
Dwelling, multiple-family
Accessory building or use
§§ 155.071, 155.082(A) (see definition)
      (2)   Conditional uses (Area B).
Conditional Use
Applicable Standards
Area A conditional uses
See Area A conditional uses
   (D)   Area C (storage). All city ordinances apply to the planned development district identified as Area C except for those modified below.
      (1)   Permitted uses (Area C).
Permitted Uses
Applicable Standards
Storage facility
Accessory building or use
§§ 155.070, 155.095(A) (see definition)
Contractor’s shop and storage yard
Subject to screening of all outdoor storage from view. No repairs or sales
The materials stored on the premises shall have a level 1 or below in the Fire Protection Guide on Hazardous Materials.
Neighborhood utility facility
Off premise parking
§ 155.095(A), for adjacent tracts only and parking shall abut the adjacent tract.
      (2)   Conditional uses (Area C).
Conditional Use
Applicable Standards
Motor vehicle sales, display and service
Subject to screening of all outdoor storage of parts from view.
   (E)   Area D (high density residential). This area shall provide for certain high density residential areas now developed primarily with single-family. All city ordinances apply to the planned development district identified as Area D except for those modified below.
      (1)   Permitted uses (Area D).
Permitted Use
Applicable Standards
Dwelling, single-family detached
Dwelling, single-family attached
§§ 155.070, 155.072, 155.076, 155.077, up to 2 dwellings can be attached.
Dwelling, multiple-family
Neighborhood utility facility
Accessory building or use
§§ 155.071, 155.082(A) (see definition)
      (2)   Conditional uses (Area D).
Conditional Use
Applicable Standards
Public service facility
   (F)   Lot and yard regulations. All measurements shall be taken from the lot line to the building line (see definitions). Values listed are minimums, unless otherwise stated.
Tract Area
Lot Width
Front Yard
Side Yard
Rear Yard
Maximum Height
Tract Area
Lot Width
Front Yard
Side Yard
Rear Yard
Maximum Height
Dwelling, single-family detached
7,000 square feet
60 feet
30 feet
8 feet
25 feet
45 feet
Dwelling, single-family attached
5,000 square feet
20 feet
30 feet
0 or 10 feet on nonparty wall side
25 feet
45 feet
Dwelling, multiple- family units (maximum of 32 bedrooms per lot, number of bedrooms per dwelling unit cannot exceed 4)
7,500 square feet
60 feet
30 feet
10 feet
10 feet
45 feet
Dwelling, multiple- family units (between 33 and 48 bedrooms per lot, number of bedrooms per dwelling unit cannot exceed 4)
20,000 square feet
70 feet
30 feet
10 feet
10 feet
45 feet
Dwelling, multiple- family units (over 48 bedrooms per lot, number of bedrooms per dwelling unit cannot exceed 4)
30,000 square feet
85 feet
30 feet
10 feet
10 feet
45 feet
Accessory building or use
Not permitted
5 feet
5 feet
12 feet
Off premise parking lot
§ 155.072
10 feet
10 feet
10 feet
All other uses
7,000 square feet
50 feet
15 feet
5 feet
10 feet
45 feet
#1   Where a side yard or rear yard is required half of the required yard must be maintained as a landscaped area.
#2   There shall be a required front yard on each thru street side of lots.
#3   See adjustments to yard regulations (§ 155.082) for other specific exceptions.
#4   The side yard will be required to be increased by 10 feet when the building is 3 stories in height or more.
#5   There shall not be a required front yard on Cottage Place for a double frontage lot. There shall be a required front yard on Cottage Street of a corner lot.
#6   A side or rear yard of 15 feet shall be required when a use other than residential is adjacent to or abuts a residential district.
   (G)   Property re-division. All future property re-division shall require a re-platting of the affected parcels. Planned Development District may be required to be amended depending on property re-division.
      (1)   Ingress/Egress Easements - Future transfer of ownership which creates a landlocked parcel shall require a dedicated ingress/egress easement for the issuance of a building permit.
   (H)   Parking regulations. Parking shall comply with § 155.072. Required parking shall be dedicated to the occupants and located as close to the building served as possible.
   (I)   Visibility at intersections and driveways. Safety zones shall comply with § 155.070.
   (J)   Accessory use and structures shall conform to the following standards:
      (1)   Roofing and siding materials shall be of a type customarily used on site-constructed residence.
      (2)   Any accessory building that covers more than 120 square feet shall be secured to the ground to prevent the structure from being moved or damaged by high winds.
      (3)   Accessory buildings may not be used for dwelling purposes.
      (4)   Accessory buildings in excess of 750 square feet in area should be approved only if there is a legitimate purpose for accessory buildings.
   (K)   Off-street loading requirements shall comply with § 155.073.
   (L)   Site-built dwelling standards shall comply with § 155.076.
   (M)   Landscaping standards.
      (1)   Within any zoning district, at least 75% of the required front yard setback shall be landscaped and maintained with living ground cover except for the portion of the front yard necessary for hard surfaced driveways and parking (§ 155.072).
      (2)   One tree per 50 feet of tract width is required. No more than 25% of the required trees may be deciduous ornamental, evergreen, or coniferous trees.
      (3)   Each existing tree of at least 1 3/4-inch caliper in size shall count toward the tree requirement.
      (4)   Where feasible, landscape areas must be capable of providing a substantially full expanse of foliage within 3 years after planting. All deciduous trees shall be 1 3/4-inch caliper and all deciduous ornamental shall be 1 1/4-inch caliper. Berms or other landscaping techniques may be used for all or part of the 6-foot screening if they have a maximum grade of 3 feet horizontal to 1-foot vertical and sodded or planted with other acceptable living ground cover.
      (5)   A fence, wall, or shrubbery 6 feet in height and of a character necessary for adequate screening shall be installed or planted when a commercial use is located adjacent to residentially used property or across the right-of-way from residentially used property (unless the right-or-way is an arterial street). Berms or other landscaping techniques may be used for all or part of the 6-foot screening if they have a maximum grade of 3 feet horizontal to 1-foot vertical and sodded or planted with other acceptable living ground cover.
      (6)   If proper screening is provided, parking lot setbacks may be reduced at City Engineer’s discretion.
   (N)   Adjustments to yard regulations shall comply with § 155.082.
   (O)   Non-conforming uses and structures shall comply with § 155.083.
   (P)   Lighting.
      (1)   When property is adjacent to or within 150 feet of residentially used or zoned property, the following lighting standards apply:
         (a)   The maximum light level shall be no greater than 3 foot candles field measured at the property line (ground level).
         (b)   The maximum height of light luminaries shall be 25 feet above the ground.
         (c)   Canopy luminaries and other on-site lighting with luminaries greater than 2,000 lumens shall include a 90-degree cut-off type, deflector, refractor, or forward throw light fixture.
         (d)   The maximum number of canopy luminaries shall be determined by the following industry standard: Canopy length (in feet) x canopy width (in feet) x 3= Maximum No. of Luminaries lamp wattage.
      (2)   All other light luminaries shall have a maximum height of 38 feet above the ground. Submittal of photometric plans shall be required with all site plan checks for building projects on property with lighted parking lots or lighted canopies.
      (3)   The following structures or uses are exempt from these lighting standards: parks, pedestrian walkways, and illuminated flags or statues.
      (4)   Lighting for parking lots shall be constructed so as to prevent light pollution to surrounding properties.
   (Q)   Sign regulations. Signs shall be regulated by Chapter 152. Regulations shall be those used in the R-3 District.
   (R)   Fence regulations. Fences shall comply with § 155.074(A), (B) and (C), except for fences used to enclose recreational areas that may comply with § 155.074(G).
(Ord. 1250, passed 4-4-2011; Am. Ord. 1274, passed 4-2-2012; Am. Ord. 1409, passed 12-2-2019)