This district is intended to provide for developing and redeveloping areas located at the edge of residential developments, adjacent to the major streets that serve the area. It is the intent of this district to provide for a well-integrated service area, providing convenience goods and personal services to primarily serve residents within 1 mile of the development. Due to the nature of commercial uses, site and architectural design shall be compatible with and sensitive to adjacent residential development, striving to preserve and protect residential property values.
   (A)   Permitted uses.
Permitted Use
Applicable Standards
Permitted Use
Applicable Standards
Engineering, management, public administration and related offices
Drug store
Offices, non-commercial, non- construction and non-industrial
Drug store, pharmacy
Personal services
Mixed-use building
All parking lots being 8 feet from all residential properties.
All parking lots being 8 feet from all residential properties.
Day care center   
Adequate and safe playground area with fence 4 feet high.
A safe pickup and drop off area must be provided for the children.
Adult day services
§§ 155.070, 155.072, 155.073, 155.077, applicant must provide copy of the appropriate, and applicable, licenses from the State of South Dakota.
Commercial parking lot/facility
Accessory building or use
§§ 155.071, 155.082(A) (see definition)
Neighborhood utility facility
   (B)   Conditional Uses.
Conditional Uses
Applicable Standards
Dwelling, single-family detached
Dwelling, single-family attached
§§ 155.070, 155.072, 155.073, 155.077, 155.095, up to 4 dwellings can be attached
Dwelling, multiple-family
§§ 155.070, 155.072, 155.073, 155.077, 155.095, maximum of 16 bedrooms per lot. Number of bedrooms per dwelling unit cannot exceed 4.
   (C)   Lot and yard regulations. All measurements shall be taken from the lot line to the building line (see definitions).
Lot Area
Building Line
Front Yard
Side Yard
Rear Yard
Maximum Height
Dwelling, single-family detached
6,000 square feet
50 feet
60 feet
See #1
30 feet
8 feet
25 feet
35 feet
Dwelling, single-family attached (see note #5)
2,500 square feet
25 feet
25 feet
30 feet
0 feet or 8 feet on nonpart y wall side
25 feet
35 feet
Dwelling, multiple-family
6,000 square feet/unit
50 feet
60 feet
30 feet
8 feet
25 feet
40 feet
All other uses
6,000 square feet
see #4
50 feet
60 feet
see #2, #3
30 feet see #2, #3
8 feet
25 feet
35 feet
   #1   A single-family detached dwelling may be constructed on a lot-of-record.
   #2   No side yard or rear yard is required where a lot is adjacent to or abuts upon a commercial or industrial district.
   #3   Where a side yard or rear yard is required half of the required yard must be maintained as a landscaped area.
   #4   There shall be a required front yard on each street side of lots.
   #5   Every two units will be staggered.
   #6   See also adjustments to yard regulations (§ 155.082) for other specific exceptions.
(Ord. 1189, passed 7-7-2008; Am. Ord. 1277, passed 5-21-2012; Am. Ord. 1409, passed 12-2-2019; Am. Ord. 1473, passed 12-19-2022)