(A)   Scope. This section shall apply to all sign permits.
   (B)   Permanent signs.
      (1)   Application. All applications for the alteration, construction, creation, placement or installation of permanent signs or the modification of an existing permanent sign shall be accompanied by the following:
         (a)   A detailed site plan of the lot showing the exact location and orientation of the sign(s) relative to all lot lines, building lines, parking lots, drive-ways and other pertinent land and architectural features.
         (b)   An elevation drawing showing the total height above the adjacent grade.
         (c)   The total dimensions of the sign facing.
         (d)   The design features of the sign.
         (e)   The type of illumination or other characteristics of the sign (see Table 5 in § 152.13).
         (f)   The size and type of existing signs on the property.
         (g)   All other applicable data such as lot line dimensions and building wall or other surface area dimensions as required by the city.
      (2)   Fees. Each application for a sign permit shall be accompanied by the applicable fees, which shall be established by resolution of the City Council.
      (3)   Validity. Permanent sign permits shall be valid for the duration of the life of the sign unless:
         (a)   The sign has been abandoned.
         (b)   The business activity on the premises is discontinued for a period of 180 days or more and is not resumed within 30 days of written notice from the city.
         (c)   The type, size, height, location, or illumination is changed, altered or modified.
   (C)   Nonpermanent signs.
      (1)   Application. The following procedure shall govern the application for, and issuance of, all nonpermanent sign permits under this chapter. All applications for the alteration, construction, creation, placement or installation of nonpermanent signs or the modification or change of location of signs shall be accompanied by the following:
         (a)   A site plan of the lot showing the exact location and orientation of the sign(s) relative to all lot lines.
         (b)   A drawing showing the total height and facing dimensions.
         (c)   The type of illumination or other characteristics of the sign (see Table 5 in § 152.13).
         (d)   All other applicable data as required by the city.
      (2)   Fees. Each application for a nonpermanent sign permit shall be accompanied by the applicable fees, which shall be established by resolution of the City Council.
      (3)   Issuance. Nonpermanent sign permits shall be issued in accordance with the requirements of § 152.10.
   (D)   Number of signs. A permit may authorize the erection of 1 or more signs.
   (E)   Assignment. A current and valid permanent sign permit shall be freely assignable to a successor as owner of the property.
   (F)   Nonissuance due to existing illegality or nonconformity. A permit for a new sign shall not be issued for a lot on which there exists an illegal sign. A new sign permit for a lot containing a legal nonconforming use sign will only be issued if the nonconforming sign is brought into full compliance with this chapter.
   (G)   Exemptions. The following signs are exempt from the permit requirements but are subject to all other requirements of this chapter.
      (1)   Incidental.
      (2)   Building marker.
      (3)   Identification.
      (4)   Flag.
      (5)   Temporary.
      (6)   Banner signs.
      (7)   Residential.
(Ord. 1188, passed 6-16-2008 ; Am. Ord. 1195, passed 9-15-2008)