The following signs shall be exempt from regulation under this chapter.
   (A)   Commercial signs. In addition to permitted signs, 1 exempt sign located at a property in any commercial or industrial district is permitted. Signs shall be non-illuminated, not to exceed 32 square feet and no higher than 12 feet above grade level or closer than 3 feet from any property line unless located on the wall of a building. The signs shall not be located in any public right-of-way. Temporary signs may be displayed only for a period of 60 days, or until 1 week following completion of the event or project the sign refers to, whichever comes first. One additional wall or freestanding sign up to 6 square feet in area shall be allowed per lot during any period of time in which the lot is available for sale, lease, or rent. If it is a freestanding sign, it cannot be taller than 3 feet above grade.
   (B)   Deleted.
   (C)   Deleted.
   (D)   Street banners. Signs advertising a public event, providing that specific approval is granted under regulations established by the City Council.
   (E)   Seasonal decorations. Signs pertaining to recognized national holidays and national observances.
   (F)   Public signs. Signs of a noncommercial nature and in the public interest, erected by or upon the order of a public officer in the performance of his or her public duty, such as safety signs, danger signs, trespassing signs, traffic signs, memorial plaques, signs of historical interest and other similar signs, including signs designating hospitals, libraries, schools and other institutions or places of public interest or concern.
   (G)   Integral signs. Signs for churches or temples, or names of buildings, dates of erection, monumental citations, commemorative tablets and other similar signs when carved into stone, concrete or other building material or made of bronze, aluminum, or other permanent type of construction and made an integral part of the structure to which they are attached.
   (H)   Window signs. Signs which are displayed inside of a window or within a building provided, however, that neon window signs shall be permitted only in those districts where neon signs are permitted.
   (I)   Works of graphic art. Works of graphic art painted or applied to building walls which contain no advertising or business identification messages.
   (J)   Residential signs. In addition to permitted signs, 1 exempt sign located at a property in any residential district is permitted. Signs shall be non-illuminated, not to exceed 6 square feet and no higher than 3 feet above grade level or closer than 3 feet from any property line. The signs shall not be located in any public right-of-way. Temporary signs may be displayed for up to 60 days or until 1 week following completion of the event or project the sign refers to, whichever comes first. Multi-family residential structures containing 4 or more dwelling units per structure are allowed 1 additional exempt sign not exceeding 32 square feet attached to the building or within 4 feet of the structure. Free standing signs not attached to the building shall be no higher than 6 feet. One additional wall or freestanding sign up to 6 square feet in area shall be allowed per lot during any period of time in which the lot is available for sale, lease, or rent. If it is a freestanding sign, it cannot be taller than 3 feet above grade.
   (K)   Neighborhood or subdivision identification signs. Neighborhood or subdivision identification signs under 50 square feet.
   (L)   Invisible signs. Signs, which are not visible from a public right-of-way, private way, or court or from a property other than that on which the sign is installed.
   (M)   Directional signs. Directional signs provided the signs:
      (1)   Do not exceed 4 square feet in maximum size or 3 feet in maximum height.
      (2)   Are limited to 1 sign at each driveway or access point with a public street and 1 sign at any critical decision point internal to the project.
   (N)   Employment related signs. A temporary non-illuminated sign located on private property for the purpose of advertising employment opportunities on the property. Signage shall not exceed 70 square feet in the Heavy Industrial (HI) and General Industrial (GI) zoning districts. Signage shall not exceed 30 square feet in the General Business (GB) zoning district. Such signage is not permitted to advertise services offered or available on the property. Signage shall be securely fastened to supports so as not to sag or otherwise move.
(Ord. 1188, passed 6-16-2008; Am. Ord. 1195, passed 9-15-2008; Am. Ord. 1283, passed 8-6-2012; Am. Ord. 1405, passed 10-7-2019)