(A)   The patron of oral piercing must rinse mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash containing no sugar or alcohol or with a hydrogen peroxide solution before the procedure. The body piercing artist must provide written instruction regarding the proper care and precautions for a new oral body piercing to each patron.
   (B)   Care instructions must include the following minimum recommendations:
      (1)   Rinse mouth twice a day with an antibacterial mouthwash containing no sugar or alcohol. The mouthwash may be diluted up to 75% to reduce irritation. Continue rinsing for the duration of the healing process;
      (2)   Avoid placing anything other than food in the mouth, including cigarettes, fingers, and gum;
      (3)   Eat and drink only for nutritional needs until healed;
      (4)   If excessive swelling or pain develops, contact your doctor.
(Ord. 1246, passed 12-6-2010) Penalty, see § 10.99