The purpose of the Home Occupation regulations is to protect the character of the surrounding residential neighborhood while recognizing that traditional workplaces are no longer necessary in all situations due to changing technology, computerization, networking, and the changing job market. These regulations are intended to recognize this trend and allow Home Occupations that are located and conducted in such a manner that the existence of the Home Occupation is not detectable outside of the dwelling unit or accessory building. The Home Occupation use shall be clearly subordinate and incidental to the residential use of the property.
   (a)    Classes of Home Occupation.
      (1)   Minor Home Occupations. Home occupations that have little or no impact on the surrounding residential area as follows:
         A.    Personal home business and professional offices; a service-oriented business use.
         B.    Home craft businesses, including (but not limited to) artists, sculptors, dressmakers.
         C.    Instructional services including music, art, dance, voice, and tutoring.
         D.    Day care for six (6) or fewer individuals, whether for adults or children. Day care for children shall comply with the requirements for "Family Day Care Home, Type B" as defined in the Ohio Revised Code §5104.054.
      (2)    Major Home Occupations. Home occupations that have or might have a noticeable impact on the surrounding residential area. Examples include:
         A.    Day care for seven (7) or more individuals, whether adults or children.
         B.    Professional services including (but not limited to) medical, dental or physical therapy facilities, barbers, beauticians, and photographers.
         C.   Bed-and-breakfast residence.
   (b)   Standards for Minor Home Occupations.
      (1)    Clients or customers will not be present on the site on a regularly scheduled basis and shall not exceed ten (10) per week on average except that instructional services are limited to a maximum of five (5) students at any one time in one day.
      (2)    No signage identifying the minor home occupation is permitted in a residential district.
      (3)    Retail sales on the premises shall be prohibited, except for products or goods produced or fabricated on the premises as part of the home occupation.
      (4)    No minor home occupation shall have more than one (1) employee that is not a resident of the household, except that, upon notification of the City Chief Building Official, there may be a second employee who is not a resident of the household on the site for up to thirty (30) days per year.
   (c)    Standards for Major Home Occupations.
      (I)    If the major home occupation is day care for children, 100 square feet of fenced outdoor play space is required per child. The play area must be at the side or rear of the house and a drop-off area for two (2) cars must be provided.
      (2)    Signage as permitted pursuant to Section 1274.11.
      (3)    Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided, unless additional spaces are required by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Required parking shall not be provided in the front yard, except for the driveway (which may be used to fulfill this requirement).
      (4)    On-site customer/client contact is limited to one appointment at any time not to exceed eight (8) visits per day, except day care facilities, which may have more than eight (8), if approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
      (5)    One truck or van over one ton may be stored on-site, if related to the home occupation and if stored in an enclosed structure.
      (6)    Major home occupations are permitted two (2) employees who are not residents of the household and may have additional employees who are not residents of the household, if approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
         (Ord. 2012-37. Passed 7-23-12.)