1290.03 GENERAL.
   (a)    "Setback" The vertical part of a small WECS shall be setback from the nearest property line, public road right-of-way and communication or electrical line not less than 1.0 times its total height. (Ord. 2010-59. Passed 10-4-10.)
   (b)    "Maximum Height" The maximum total height of any WECS shall be 100 feet.
   (c)    “Design Standards"
      (1)   All WECS shall be monopole design.
      (2)   The entire structure shall be finished in a corrosion-resistant, non-obtrusive finish and color that is non-reflective. No WECS or tower shall be lighted unless required by the FAA. No flags, streamers, decorations, advertising signs of any kind or nature whatsoever shall be permitted on any WECS.
   (d)    "Noise" No WECS shall generate sounds exceeding 60 decibels measured at the closest property line from the tower. If there is a valid complaint as determined by the building department about noise, the wind turbine owner is required to submit a current decibel reading report signed by an authorized source.
   (e)    "Maintenance" WECS must be maintained in good working order. The maintenance records must be kept by the property owner and available for inspection. Manufacturers' records for preventative maintenance shall apply.
   (f)    "Abandonment" Any WECS that has become inoperable for any reason for more than six (6) months must be removed by the owner, at the owner's expense, within 60 days of notification. Removal includes all components associated with the WECS.
   (g)    Any WECS proposed on commercial or industrial zoned property shall be subject to Zoning Certification approval from the Planning Commission in accordance with Chapter 1262.07 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Vermilion.
   (h)    The installation of WECS must be approved by a state licensed electrician.
(Ord. 2009-35. Passed 6-1-09.)