(a) All ruts and depressions caused by the land clearing operation must be eliminated and no standing water shall be permitted as a result of the land clearing. All disturbed areas shall be reseeded within seven days of the completion of the work.
(b) All temporary drives and drive pipes must be removed upon completion of the land clearing operation.
(c) A silt fence must be erected around the limits of the land clearing operation. All erosion and sediment control features required by the EPA must be in place and maintained throughout the project.
(d) A topographical plan, prepared by a registered surveyor or engineer, is required if there is any change in the natural grade. The topographical plan must depict all information as required by the City Engineer.
(e) Written permission must be provided by the property owner for the tree clearing operation if the applicant is not the owner of record.
(f) All branches, brush, and other waste material created shall be chipped, removed from the property and properly disposed of.
(g) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to authorize any action in violation of any applicable state or federal law or regulation for the protection of plants, species, or wildlife.
(Ord. 2005-31. Passed 5-16-05.)