(a) No lot, yard, parking area or other open space shall be reduced in area or dimension so as to make such area or dimension less than the minimum required by this Zoning Code. If already less than the minimum required by this Zoning Code, such area or dimension shall not be further reduced.
(b) Except as otherwise specified in this Zoning Code, yards and courts required by this Zoning Code shall be open and unobstructed to the sky.
(c) Cornices and eaves may project not to exceed three feet over any minimum required yard, provided that any such projection shall be at least five feet from any lot line.
(d) Sills, leaders, belt courses and similar ornamental structures may project six inches over any minimum yard or court. An open fire balcony, fire escape or fire tower may project five feet over any yard.
(e) In residential districts, any bay window, oriel, entrance, vestibule, chimney or balcony which is not more than ten feet in width, may project not more than three feet into any front, side or rear yard, provided it shall be no closer than five feet to the side lot line. An open porch or stoop may extend into any side yard in residential districts, provided it does not come nearer to the side lot line than five feet (except on a corner lot, where it shall not come nearer than fifteen feet to the side street line), and into any rear yard ten feet, provided it does not come nearer to the rear lot line than fifteen feet in business, commercial or industrial districts. There shall be no show window or projection beyond the building line.
(f) If any business, commercial or industrial districts, a chimney, smokestack, flue or elevator shaft may project into any rear yard, provided the horizontal section of the projection does not exceed twenty square feet.
(g) Walks and driveways may occupy any yard area.
(h) For lots abutting on a thoroughfare shown on the Official Thorofare Plan of the City, the front yard shall be measured from the proposed right-of-way line specified for that thoroughfare of the Plan.
(i) Lots having frontage on two intersecting streets shall contain the required front yards on both streets.
(j) In any agricultural or residential district, no building shall be erected, reconstructed or altered nearer to the street line on which it faces than the average setback observed by the building on the same side of the street and fronting thereon within the same block at the time of the passage of this Zoning Code (Ordinance 66-103, passed December 19, 1966).
(k) Where there are buildings on only one side of a street within a block at the time of the passage of this Zoning Code, the setback line for the unoccupied side shall be the same as that established on the occupied side as hereinbefore provided, except that no building shall be required to set back from the street a greater distance than the setback line for the district.
(Ord. 66-103. Passed 12-19-66.)