   This section is intended to enable a developer or his or her engineer to prepare his or her construction plans so that the review and approval thereof will be expedited.
   (a)   Developers of subdivisions are required to indicate on the drawing the engineering details of all existing and proposed facilities and services, which include street pavements, sidewalks, sanitary and storm sewers, water and gas mains and street lighting facilities. Such facilities and services shall be designed by an engineer who must be a registered professional engineer in the State. The State of Ohio, Department of Transportation, Construction and Material Specifications, January 1, 1975, edition, as amended, and the Division of Highways, Bureau of Roadway Design, Standard Construction Drawing, as amended by Council, shall be followed, except where they specifically deviate from other ordinances duly enacted by the City. The location of public utilities and specifically street lighting facilities shall initially be planned and cooperatively agreed upon among the City Engineer, the Planning Commission and the developer. As a part of the required public improvement facilities within a subdivision, the subdivider, in areas where overhead utilities are permitted, shall cause to be planned street lighting facilities within the public right of way and shall submit drawings to the City Engineer in such form as can be forwarded to the electric utility company in order that such company can plan, locate and install street lighting facilities. No street lighting post, pole or pedestal shall be installed or illuminated until the City Engineer orders the same pursuant to the approved plan therefor. While it is not the obligation of the subdivider to pay for such facilities, the subdivider is obligated to cause the street lighting facilities to be planned in a manner acceptable to the City Engineer. Where underground utilities are required henceforth, the subdivider shall cause to be planned and shall pay for hollow core pole lighting facilities within the dedicated right of way and shall submit drawings to the City Engineer in such form as can be forwarded to the electric utility company in order that such company can plan, locate and install street lighting facilities. No street lighting post, pole or pedestal shall be installed or illuminated until the City Engineer orders the same pursuant to the approved plan therefor. Such hollow core street lighting facilities shall be included as a required subdivision improvement, the expense of which shall be borne by the subdivider. Such facilities shall be planned prior to the final acceptance of such subdivision and its improvements by Council, but shall not be a cause to delay the subdivider at preliminary stages so long as adequate drawings and plans have been submitted to the City Engineer upon which he or she and the electric utility company can locate street lighting facilities. The subdivider shall grant to the electric utility company any easements necessary for the installation, operation and maintenance of such street lighting facilities. (Ord. 86-14. Passed 6-2-86.)
   (b)   Each plat or plan, when filed with public authorities for review and approval, shall bear the stamp or the seal prescribed by the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors. Plans not bearing such stamp shall not be given consideration.
   (c)   All elevations shown on the construction plan shall be referenced to the City Bench Mark System or the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Bench Mark System, where possible. Location and elevation of bench marks shall be shown on the plan.
   (d)   All drawings shall be made on sheets twenty-four by thirty-six inches in size out to out of the trimming edge.
   (e)   The plan shall be drawn to a scale of forty feet to the inch. The profile shall be to the same scale horizontally and four feet to the inch vertically. An enlarged drawing to show details shall be made where necessary.
   (f)   Location and size of all existing features shall be shown as well as any other data which may be pertinent for the City Engineer in reviewing or checking the plans.
   (g)   The title of the plan shall contain the name of the subdivision, the names of streets, roads and/or courts and the name of the City and the County. Space shall be provided on the title sheet or the first sheet of the plans for approval by the proper authorities.
   (h)   Plans and specifications for the proposed installation shall be approved by the City and the State Environmental Protection Agency for sanitary sewers and water mains, before construction is started. The City requires the approval of the City Engineer, the Director of Public Service, the Planning Commission and Council, in that order of sequence.
   (i)   The approval of construction drawings shall be limited to twelve months from the date of approval by the Commission, after which time the approval shall be null and void.
   (j)   Separate drawings shall be made for pavement, water mains, sanitary sewers and storm sewers. However, a gas main may be shown on the water main drawing and sidewalks may be shown on the pavement drawing.
      (Ord. 79-20. Passed 8-6-79.)