(a)   Amendments to the final plans may be sought by the applicant in accordance with the procedure required by this chapter for original approval subject to the same limitations and requirements as those under which such plans were originally approved.
   (b)   In the exercise of its continuing jurisdiction, the Planning Commission may from time to time modify the approved final plans in a manner consistent with the approved preliminary plans to allow for changed circumstances and conditions unforeseen at the time of original approval.
   (c)   Approval by the Commission shall expire after a period of two years from the date of approval of the final plans, for the entire site or any particular stage, whichever is applicable, unless the development or stage is fifty percent completed in terms of public improvements including streets, parks and common open spaces, walkways and utility installations such as electric, gas, water and sanitary sewers, in which latter instance an extension of time may be granted by the Commission not to exceed two successive periods of two years each.
   (d)   All proceedings brought under this chapter shall be subject to the rules of procedure of the Planning Commission, where not inconsistent with the procedure otherwise stated herein. (Ord. 74-57. Passed 6-17-74.)