(a)   The following schedule of prices shall be charged by the City for the purchase of grave spaces and other services in cemeteries owned and operated by the City:
Cemetery Lots
   Adult grave space
$875.00 (of which, $140 is to be placed in perpetual care fund)
   Spaces paid on payments
$1,075.00 (of which, $140 is to be placed in perpetual care fund)
   Infant grave
$500.00 (of which, $55 is to be placed in perpetual care fund
   Cremation space
$675.00 (of which, $125 is to be placed in perpetual care fund)
   Second use of the grave
$250.00 (of which $40 is to be placed in perpetual care fund)
Opening and closing of grave
Saturday or Holiday Burial
Replacement of Deed or Transfer
Preparing deed of transfer for parties, each
Genealogy search, per hour
Other miscellaneous work performed per man-hour
$75.00 (min 1 hr.)
Other miscellaneous work performed per man-hour and machinery
$100.00 (min 1 hr.)
Disinterment Charges:
Marker/Monument Footers
   Government Plaque
Must order a footer with 4 inches added to the size.
   (b)   Cemetery charges are due and payable at the time of the service. No burial or improvement will be allowed on any lot upon which there is an unpaid balance due the City. Unpaid charges three months past due are subject to an interest charge of one and one-half percent a month until paid in full.
   (c)   The above-listed fees may be prepaid at the prevailing rates in effect at the time of payment and the same shall be considered as full payment for such services. These fees are not refundable and will be placed in an irrevocable guaranteed Prepaid Cemetery Fee Trust Fund. Persons desiring this service will be required to fill out the "Guaranteed Prepaid Cemetery Fee Agreement" form. The City will not be required to furnish any additional services requested at the time of burial without payment for same.
   (d)   There is a 48-hour notification prior to burial (special situations will be considered). Urn is required for ashes burial.
(Ord. 2018-37. Passed 5-21-18; Ord. 2021-33. Passed 6-7-21; Ord. 2023-56. Passed 9-11-23.)