For any lot, parcel of land, building or premises situated within the corporate limits and having any connection with the City sanitary sewerage system or otherwise discharging sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, water or liquids either directly or indirectly into the City sanitary sewerage system, the user rental or charge shall consist of a quarterly minimum charge together with an extra charge for volume of wastes based upon the quantity of water used thereon or therein, as the same is measured by a City water meter used thereon or therein or a private water meter as approved by the Superintendent of the City Water Department. For the purposes of this chapter, a unit is considered as one business, one house or one dwelling unit of an apartment building or multifamily building.
Tap in charge for each new unit connecting into the City sewerage system
Tap in charge for State licensed nursing homes, hospitals and other health care facilities having bed care or overnight arrangements for its residents or patients shall be based upon each new unit of authorized bed space
100.00 per bed space
      (Ord. 87-94. Passed 11-16-87.)
   (c)   (1)   A.   Effective with the billing generated on or after January 1, 2023 the wastewater rate per 100 cubic feet shall be as follows:
            Rate Category      Rate
            Inside City         $7.22
            Outside City         $8.73
            West Lake         $8.73
            Sewer East         $7.91
            Erie County         $8.255
         B.   Effective with the billing generated on or after January 1, 2024 the wastewater rate per 100 cubic feet shall be as follows:
            Rate Category      Rate
            Inside City         $11.033
            Outside City         $13.346
            West Lake         $13.346
            Sewer East         $12.087
            Erie County         $8.255
         C.   Effective with the billing generated on or after January 1, 2025 the wastewater rate per 100 cubic feet shall be as follows:
            Rate Category      Rate
            Inside City         $16.439
            Outside City         $19.886
            West Lake         $19.886
            Sewer East         $18.010
            Erie County         $8.255
         D.   Effective with the billing generated on or after January 1, 2026 the wastewater rate per 100 cubic feet shall be as follows:
            Rate Category      Rate
            Inside City         $24.36
            Outside City         $29.47
            West Lake         $29.47
            Sewer East         $26.69
            Erie County         $8.255
         E.   Effective with the billing generated on or after July 1, 2022, an additional EPA fee will be added to the wastewater rate for capital projects necessary to meet compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency and for other necessary improvements as follows:
Rate Category:
Class A:
Residential units (single & two family homes) (single unit condominiums and apartments with individual utility billings shall pay:
$9.00 per month
Class B:
Multi-family residential
$9.00 per unit/per month
Class C:
$11.00 per month
         This is the total rate, including operation, maintenance, and replacement (OM&R), and debt increment (capital). The minimum charge per account in each rate category shall be five dollars ($5.00) per month per account. The minimum charge shall be levied against each account, regardless of suspension of service, for each month for which service is available to the account.
      (2)   The definition of rate categories above shall be as follows:
         A.   "Inside City" shall mean that area within the corporate limits of the City of Vermilion as described in Chapter 206 of the Codified Ordinances of this City, with the exception of the East Liberty Avenue Sewer District (Sewer East).
         B.   "Outside City" shall mean any area outside the corporate limits of the City serviced by the City's sanitary sewer system not otherwise defined herein.
         C.   "West Lake" shall mean that area contiguous to the westerly corporate limits of the City of Vermilion, within Vermilion Twp., Erie County, bounded on the north by Lake Erie, extending from said westerly corporate limits westerly along the Lake Erie shoreline to Joppa Road; southerly along the easterly side of Joppa Road to a point on the northerly side of SR 2; and easterly along SR 2 on a line roughly parallel to the Lake Erie shoreline to a point in the westerly corporate limits of the City of Vermilion, thence northerly along said westerly corporate limits to above said Lake Erie.
         D.   "East Liberty (Sewer East)" shall mean that area of the City of Vermilion bounded as described in "Exhibit A" attached to City of Vermilion Ordinance No. 95-4, passed March 6, 1995, by KS Associates and referred to in said ordinance and description as "East Liberty Avenue Sewer District".
         E.   "Erie County" shall mean that area contiguous to the southerly corporate limits of the City of Vermilion, bounded as described in Exhibit "A" - Legal Description Vermilion Area Sewer Subdistrict in the East Erie County Sewer and Water District, as authorized in the City of Vermilion Ordinance No. 89-88, passed December 4, 1989. The current agreement with Erie County ends December 31, 2026, and these factors will be considered in any future contract rates and terms.
(Ord. 2022-38. Passed 6-13-22; Ord. 2022-39. Passed 6-13-22; Ord. 2023-46. Passed 7-24-23.)
   (d)   Any user discharging, either directly or indirectly, into a sewerage system of the City, shall be subject to a surcharge if such discharge is in excess of normal strength, the amount of which surcharge shall be in accordance with the following schedule of charges and in addition to all other charges for sewer services as provided for in this section.
                            (W-250               X-300)
                  Cs = (.313 250 + .235 300 ) Z
         Cs   =   Surcharge for wastewater of excessive strength per 100 cubic feet
         W   =   User's BOD concentration
         X   =   User's SS concentration
         Z   =   Number of 100 cubic feet units
Cost of BOD removal per 100 cf   =   $0.313
Cost of SS removal per 100 cf   =   $0.235
(Ord. 87-94. Passed 11-16-87.)
   (e)   There is hereby established an East Liberty Avenue Sewer District per the legal description attached to original Ordinance 95-4, passed March 6, 1995, marked Exhibit A, and made a part hereof by reference.
      (Ord. 95-4. Passed 3-6-95.)
   (f)   The East Liberty Avenue Sewer District users shall be charged the following fees: The tap-in charge for each equivalent home shall be set at two thousand, five hundred dollars ($2,500), plus the standard tap-in fee charged by the City. An equivalent home shall be defined as an expected average sewage flow of 400 gallons per day based on EPA estimates.
Charges for sewage in the East Liberty Avenue Sewer District shall be forty-three cents (43¢) per 100 cubic feet plus the normal in-City rate for sewer service.
      Users of units that were constructed and tapped into the City water system prior to July 1, 1996, will be able to finance their tap-in fees for a period not to exceed sixty months at an interest rate of six percent.
      (Ord. 96-51. Passed 11-4-96.)
   (g)   If the sewer bill is not paid in any district by the date on which it becomes due, a penalty of ten percent will be added to the total amount of the bill.
   (h)   Any lot, parcel of land, building or premises which are connected to or discharging, directly or indirectly, into the City sanitary sewerage system, but which are not connected to the City water system, will be charged the minimum rates prescribed by subsections (a) and (c) hereof. In instances where the volume of flow so warrants, the City will require water use to be metered and paid for at the rates shown in this section.
      (Ord. 95-4. Passed 3-6-95.)
   (i)   Residents or family units with a combined gross income of Twenty Six Thousand Dollars ($26,000.00) per year or less per year shall not be charged for the debt increment (Retirement) portion of the user rental charge for the first three hundred (300) cubic feet per month of their sewer bill. This is to apply to resident users only and only to the first three hundred (300) cubic feet per month of consumption and thereafter all users shall pay the standard rates. Owners that qualify under our low income requirements for utility billing with the city will be exempt from the monthly EPA fee for residential use pursuant to Ordinance 2011-4 adopted March 21, 2011. Persons requesting to qualify for such abatement shall submit an annual application therefore, together with a copy of the previous year's Federal Income Tax Return. All such applications shall be filed in the Utilities Division. The Director of Public Service is hereby authorized to establish reasonable rules, regulations and procedures in implementing this subsection. (Ord. 2016-43. Passed 8-1-16.)
   (j)   There is hereby established the Riverside Drive Sewer District pursuant to the legal description attached to original Ordinance 00-92, passed December 18, 2000, and made a part hereof by reference and marked "Exhibit A".
   (k)   Riverside Drive Sewer District users shall be charged the sewer rates as established in this section for sewer users within the Municipal corporation. In addition, Riverside Drive Sewer District users will be charged:
Operation, Maintenance and Repair Fund
For pumps:
$10.00 per month (based on an average life of 5 to 7 years of pumps)
Tap Cost:
$8.53/first month charge.
Thereafter $8.33 per month for 59 months.
      No interest charge will be included in tap fee per grant regulations. Residents of the Sewer District will have the option of paying the tap fee in full when connecting to the City sewer system or paying the entire balance at any time during the course of the sixty-month period.
      (Ord. 00-92. Passed 12-18-00.)
   (l)   That the Sunnyside Road Sanitary Sewer district indirect users shall be charged the following fees:
      Tap in charges for each affected parcel owner shall be based on 50% of each equivalent home, and a rate of $576.67 shall be set per equivalent home, plus the standard tap in fee charged by the City. An equivalent home shall be defined as an expected average sewage flow of 400 gallons per day based on EPA estimates.
      Units that are constructed and tapped into the City water system prior to July 1, 1996, will be able to finance their tap in fees for a period not to exceed sixty months and at an interest rate of %.
      (Ord. 2003-20. Passed 5-5-03.)
   (m)   That the East Liberty Avenue Phase II Sanitary Sewer District indirect users shall be charged the following fees:
      Tap in charges for each affected parcel owner shall be based on 50% of each equivalent home, and a rate of $1,121.78 shall be set per equivalent home, plus the standard tap in fee charged by the City. An equivalent home shall be defined as an expected average sewage flow of 400 gallons per day based on EPA estimates.
      Units that are constructed and tapped into the City water system prior to July 1, 1996 will be able to finance their tap in fees for a period not to exceed sixty months and at an interest rate of %.
      (Ord. 2003-21. Passed 5-5-03.)