It shall be an unlawful housing practice and a violation of this chapter:
   (A)   For any person or real estate agent:
      (1)   To discriminate against any person in the selling, leasing, subleasing, renting assigning, or otherwise transferring of aid interest in a housing unit.
      (2)   To discriminate against any person by refusing to negotiate, making false representations on the availability of the housing unit which is for sale, lease, sub-lease, or rental.
      (3)   To include the terms, conditions, or privileges of any sale, lease, sub-lease, rental, assignment, or other transfer or any housing, any clause, condition, or restriction discriminating against any person in the use or occupancy of such housing.
      (4)   To discriminate in the furnishing of any facilities, repairs, improvements, or services or in the terms, conditions, privileges, or tenure of occupancy of any person.
   (B)   For any lending institution to discriminate in lending money, guaranteeing loans, accepting a deed trust, or mortgage or otherwise making available funds for the purchase, acquisition, construction, alteration, rehabilitation, repair or maintenance of any housing or discriminate in the fixing of the rates, terms, conditions, or provisions of any such financial assistance.
   (C)   For any person or real estate agent, with respect to any prohibition not specified in this chapter, to publish, circulate, or cause to be circulated or published, any notice, statement, listing or advertisement, or to announce a policy or to make any record in connection with the prospective sale, lease, sub-lease, rental, or financing of any housing which indicates reliance, determination, or decision based on race, color, creed, sex, marital status, religious belief, national origin, age, familial status, or handicap.
   (D)   For any person or real estate agent to assist in, compel, or coerce the doing of any act declared to be an unlawful housing practice under this chapter, or to obstruct or prevent enforcement or compliance with provisions of the chapter, or to attempt directly or indirectly to commit any act declared by this chapter to be an unlawful housing practice.
   (E)   For any person or real estate agent:
      (1)   To induce or attempt to induce the sale, transfer of interest, or listing for sale of any housing by making representations regarding the existing or potential proximity of real property owned, used, or occupied by any person, of any particular race, color, creed, sex, marital status, religious belief, national origin, age, familial status, or handicap by direct or indirect methods.
      (2)   To make any representations to a prospective purchaser or lessee that any housing in a particular block, neighborhood, or area may undergo, is undergoing, or has undergone, a change with respect to race, color, creed, sex, marital status, religious belief, national origin, age, familial status, or handicap composition of such block, neighborhood, or area.
      (3)   To induce or attempt to induce the sale or listing for sale of any housing by representing that the presence or anticipated presence of any particular race, color, creed, sex, marital status, religious belief, national origin, age familial status, or handicap in the area will or may result in:
         (a)   The lowering of property values.
         (b)   A change in the race, color, creed, sex, marital status, religious belief, national origin, age, familial status, or handicap composition of the block, neighborhood, or area in which the property is located.
         (c)   An increase in criminal or antisocial behavior in the area
         (d)   A decline in quality of the schools serving the area.
   (F)   For any person or real estate agency to cause, coerce, or attempt to cause or coerce retaliation against any person because such person has lawfully opposed any act or failure to act that is a violation of this chapter or has, in good faith, filed a complaint, testified, participated, or assisted in any way in any proceeding under this chapter.
   (G)   To deny any person access to, membership, or participation in any multiple listing service, real estate brokers' organization, or other service, organization, or facility relating to the business of selling or renting housing or discriminate against a person in the terms or conditions of such access, membership, or participation.
   (H)   To do any other thing or engage in conduct which would otherwise make unavailable equal housing opportunities.
(1981 Code, § 100.03) (Ord. 6594-93, passed 12-27-1993)