All water service shall be no less than three and one-half feet below finished grade at any point. Sanitary sewer ditches may be used for installation of water service lines provided that at least a distance of one and one-half feet above and to either side of the sanitary sewer line is maintained at all points of installation. If this distance cannot be met, the water service line shall be installed in a separate ditch or trench, no less than three and one-half feet deep at all points from finish grade, and a distance of not less than two feet from any other ditch or trench which has been used for any other purpose. All line material must be copper or material equal to copper, approved by Council. All service pipes, including replacements, must be provided with stop cocks. Provision shall be made for meter installation. Stop cocks shall be placed ahead of the meter, and water use branches or connections shall be beyond or on the consumer's side of the meter. Consumers shall provide frost protection for incoming service lines and meters. All installations shall be approved by an authorized inspector of Council before filling excavations and turning on water service.
   Any excavations made on public thoroughfares shall have the dirt taken out, removed from the site and the trenches filled with crusher-run gravel, the expenses thereof to be the sole obligation of the consumer. In the case of new plats being constructed by a subdivider, the provision with regard to filling trenches with gravel may be waived by Council and in lieu thereof a bond may be posted with Council. This bond shall be conditioned upon satisfactory street restoration at the expiration of twelve months from the date of final plat completion and acceptance. The amount of bond for such purpose shall be determined by Council, but shall not exceed the actual cost of construction of the work involved.
(Ord. 56-03. Passed 3-19-56.)