Council shall have complete charge of the operation of the waterworks, the maintenance, extension and improvement of the plant, the furnishing of water and the establishing of rates. It shall be the duty of Council to classify water services and establish, adjust and regulate the rates charged for the different classes of water services. It shall have the power to make rules and regulations for the management and protection of the waterworks, the governing of water users and others, in their relations to the Utilities Department, and the enforcement of tariff rates. The present rules and tariff of rates of the Utilities Department shall be continued in force and effect until changed by Council. The rules, regulations and tariff of rates or charges which Council shall from time to time establish, shall be in force and effect immediately upon being approved by Council, which approval shall be made informally, upon motion, and shall be entered upon the minutes of Council, but shall not be published.
(Ord. 56-03. Passed 3-19-56.)