Any notice or order of the City or City Manager shall be deemed to be properly served if a copy thereof is delivered personally; or successfully transmitted via facsimile transmission to the last known fax number of the person to be served; or left at the usual place of business of the person to whom it is to be served upon and with someone who is eighteen years of age or older; or sent by certified, pre-paid U.S. mail to the last known address; or if the notice is attempted to be served by certified, pre-paid U.S. mail and then returned showing that the letter was not delivered, or the certified letter is not returned within fourteen days after the date of mailing, then notice may be sent by regular, pre-paid, first-class U.S. mail; or if the notice is attempted to be served by regular, first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid, the letter is then returned showing that the letter was not delivered, or is not returned within fourteen days after the date of mailing, then notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place in or about the structure, building, premises or property affected by such notice.
(Ord. 00-07. Passed 8-21-00.)