(a)   The City Manager or his or her designated agent shall make all purchases for the City required by the various departments and shall sell used, worn out, surplus or obsolete equipment and material.
   (b)   Whenever the head of the department deems it necessary or desirable that supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services be purchased or secured, such department head shall prepare and submit to the City Manager or his or her designated agent, a request therefor specifying the nature of the purchase desired, the quantity required and the performance requirements to be met.
   (c)   The City Manager or his or her designated agent shall inquire of potential suppliers as to the cost of such purchase in the form of informal offers to supply the item required.
(Ord. 75-28. Passed 10-6-75.)
   (d)   If the probable cost thereof, in the opinion of the City Manager or his or her designated agent, will be less than or equal to twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), the City may award purchase to the supplier offering the lowest and best bid among informal bidders. However, in such case, at least two informal bids, unless a vendor is a member of a recognized cooperative purchasing group, or a statement as to why bids are not available (e.g., a commodity or service can only be purchased from one supplier because of technology, because it is proprietary, because it is unique in nature, or other reasons) shall be secured in writing and filed with the Director of Finance prior to awarding the bid.
   If the probable cost thereof, in the opinion of the City Manager or his or her designated agent, will be greater than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) but less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), the City may award purchase to the supplier offering the lowest and best bid among informal bidders. However, in such case, at least two informal bids, unless a vendor is a member of a recognized cooperative purchasing group, or a statement as to why bids are not available (e.g., a commodity or service can only be purchased from one supplier because of technology, because it is proprietary, because it is unique in nature, or other reasons) shall be secured in writing and filed with the Director of Finance prior to awarding the bid. Prior to awarding the bid, City Council shall be advised of proposed purchases that are greater than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) but less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
   (e)   The requirement for formal bidding may be waived by affirmative vote of four Council members upon a finding by Council that:
      (1)   The purchase consists of goods or services, or any combination thereof, for which only one source of supply is reasonably available;
      (2)   The purchase of goods or services is made from another political subdivision, public agency, the State, or the Federal government, or as a third-party beneficiary under a State or Federal procurement contract or similar cooperative bidding arrangement;
      (3)   The purchase substantially involves services of a personal, professional, highly technical, or scientific nature, including but not limited to the services of an attorney, physician, surveyor, appraiser, investigator, adjuster, advertising consultant, or licensed broker, or involves the special skills or proprietary knowledge required for the servicing of specialized equipment owned by the City;
      (4)   The purchase consists of the goods or services of a public utility; or
      (5)   There would be no benefit to the City to undertake formal bidding and the best interest of the City is served by waiving the formal bidding.
(Ord. 98-08. Passed 7-6-98; Ord. 07-11. Passed 7-16-07; Ord. 18-04. Passed 3-19-18; Ord. 23-29. Passed 12-18-23.)