Each nominating petition shall contain a statement of candidacy, which shall be substantially as follows:
I, _______________________ (name of candidate), the undersigned, hereby state that my voting residence is in _________________ Precinct of the _________________ (Township) or (Ward and City or Village) in the county of _______________, Ohio; that my post office address is ___________________ (Street and Number, if any, or Rural Route and Number) of the (City, Village or post office) of ________________, Ohio, that I am a qualified elector in the precinct in which my voting residence is located. I hereby declare that
I desire to be a candidate for election to the office of ________________in the _________________ (State, District, County, City, Village, Township or School District) for the ______________ (Full term or unexpired term ending ____________________) at the General Election to be held on the _________day of ________________, 19___.
I further declare that I am an elector qualified to vote for the office I seek. Dated this _________day of ________________, 19___.
(Signature of candidate)
State of Ohio )
County of ) _____________ ) SS
_________________________ (Name of candidate), being duly sworn, deposes and says that he or she is the candidate named in the above statement of candidacy and that the statements and declarations therein contained are true as he or she verily believes.
(Signature of candidate)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this __________day of ______________ , 19___.
(Signature of officer administering oath)
(Title of Officer)
I, _____________________ , hereby constitute the persons named below a committee to represent me:
Name Residence
We, the undersigned, qualified electors of the State of Ohio, hereby nominate ______________________ as a candidate for election to the office of _____________________ in the _______________________________ (State, District, County, City, Village, Township or School District) for the _______________________ (Full term or unexpired term ending ________) to be voted for at the general election next hereafter to be held. We individually pledge that we will support and vote for the above proposed candidate at said election, and that we have not signed the nominating petitions of more candidates for said office than the number to be elected to said office.
Signatures on this Petition from only one County and must be written in ink or indelible lead pencil.
Signatures Street and Number City, Village, Ward Precinct County Date of Signing
or R.F.D. Township or
School District
The State of Ohio )
County of__________ )SS
____________________________(Name of Circulator of Petition), being duly sworn, deposes and says that he or she is a qualified elector of the State of Ohio and resides at the address appearing below his or her signature hereto; that he or she is the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing ________(Number) signatures and that said signatures were written in his or her presence and are the signatures of the persons whose signatures they purport to be.
(Signature of Circulator)
(Residence Address of Circulator)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______day of _______________, 19____.
(Signature of Officer Administering Oath)
The State of Ohio )
County of ___________)SS
We, the undersigned, constituting the Board of Elections of said County, do hereby certify that we have reviewed and examined the foregoing petition and find the same sufficient and valid.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto subscribed our names and caused our official seal to be affixed at ________________, Ohio, this _______day of _________, 19____.
(SEAL) _________________________________
Attest: _________________________________
_____________________________ _________________________________
Clerk Board of Elections
(Ord. 59-08. Passed 6-1-59.)