All persons, firms or corporations having under control, protection, use or ownership any dog, male or female, within the county shall annually list the same in accordance with procedures to be established by the County Tax Collector.
(Ord. 10, passed 8-1-1977; Am. Ord. passed 12-3-1979)
(A) The payment of the license tax shall be due and payable on or before January 31 of each year.
(B) In the event any dog shall come under the control, protection, use or ownership after January 31, then payment is due within 60 days of the control, protection, use or ownership.
(Ord. 10, passed 8-1-1977; Am. Ord. passed 12-3-1979)
If any person shall willfully fail to list, pay or otherwise intentionally violate the provision of this subchapter, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction punished as provided and described by G.S. § 14-4.
(Ord. 10, passed 8-1-1977) Penalty, see § 90.999
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT. Animal waste shall be disposed of according to state and federal standards, guidelines and requirements as they pertain to best management practices.
DOUBLE SAFETY DOORS. Doors so constructed that the exterior door must be closed before the interior door can be opened.
OWNER. Any person, firm or corporation who keeps, has charge of, shelters, feeds, harbors or takes care of any wild, vicious or exotic animal in the county.
PERMITTEE. Any person, firm or corporation granted a permit to keep, shelter, feed, harbor or take care of any wild, vicious or exotic animal in the county.
PRIMARY ENCLOSURE. Any building, wire cage, pen or similar enclosure designed and used for the purpose of restraining and confining any animal, the keeping of which is regulated by this subchapter. All such enclosures shall be constructed and maintained according to the standards and requirements established in the appendix attached to Ord. 28, entitled “Standards for Enclosures for Wild, Vicious and Exotic Animals.”
SECONDARY ENCLOSURE. An enclosure which is not used for primary confinement, exercise or training of wild, vicious or exotic animals. Each person, firm or corporation keeping any wild, vicious or exotic animal shall construct a SECONDARY ENCLOSURE which shall surround or encompass all primary enclosures where such animals are kept. The SECONDARY ENCLOSURE shall be constructed and maintained according to the standards specified in the appendix attached to Ord. 28.
WILD, VICIOUS OR EXOTIC ANIMAL. All nonindigenous carnivores, primates, poisonous snakes or other venomous animals, giant constricting snakes, crocodilians, elephants and rhinoceroses.
(Ord. 28, passed 4-7-1997)
(A) No person, firm or corporation shall keep, shelter, feed, harbor or take care of any wild, vicious or exotic animal in the county unless all the animals are confined continuously within a secure and locked primary enclosure which is situated within a secondary enclosure except while being transported.
(B) Each enclosure shall be constructed to standards specified for keeping each type of animal as identified in Appendix A of Ord. 28.
(Ord. 28, passed 4-7-1997) Penalty, see § 90.999
(A) As a condition precedent to the keeping, sheltering or harboring of any wild, vicious or exotic animal, the owner shall make advance written application for and receive from the County Animal Services Officer (herein referred to as ASO) a permit and authorization to keep any such animal.
(B) The application shall contain the following:
(1) Name and address of the owner;
(2) Owner’s experience with animals, especially wild animals, particularly the species for which the application is submitted;
(3) History of the background of the owner, keeper or husbandry expert, including a record of all animal escapes and recapture of animals under his or her control as well as corrective actions taken to prevent further escapes;
(4) Any relevant personal history of the owner, operator, manager and employees;
(5) Species, size and other identifying characteristics of each wild, vicious or exotic animal the applicant desires to keep;
(6) The birthplace, birth date and history of each animal, including whether the animal has ever harmed any human being, and including all medical history with an accounting for all immunizations;
(7) Description of the nature, size, type of construction and location of any enclosure in which the applicant intends to keep a wild, vicious or exotic animal;
(8) Description of the liability insurance carried by the owner to compensate persons for potential personal injury and property damage. A copy of the current policy shall be attached to the application;
(9) Names, addresses and telephone numbers of all persons residing within 1 mile of the proposed location for the keeping of the animals;
(10) A schedule of personnel responsible for servicing and maintaining the facility on an hourly and daily basis;
(11) A list of tranquilizing equipment, chemicals and instruments of destruction required by § 90.077 of this subchapter;
(12) A list of all state and federal permits and licenses required for keeping of the animals and a statement of whether the licenses and permits have been obtained, and whether the applicant has ever had any permit or license revoked or suspended, and if so, the reason for that; and
(13) Submission of best management plan for animal waste disposal according to local, state and/or federal standards.
(Ord. 28, passed 4-7-1997; Am. Ord. passed 8-19-2020)