(A)   Initiation of amendments. Proposed changes or amendments to the Vance County Zoning Map may be initiated by the Board of County Commissioners, Planning Board, county administration, Board of Adjustment, or by the owner(s), or his agent, of property within the area proposed to be changed. Any interested party may initiate proposed amendments to the text of the chapter.
   (B)   Application. An application for any change or amendment shall contain a description and/or statement of the present and proposed zoning regulation or zone boundary, and the names and addresses of the owner or owners of the property involved. Such application shall be filed not later than 3 weeks prior to the meeting at which the application is to be considered. There must be a separate application prepared for each parcel of land that has different ownership.
   (C)   Fees. A nonrefundable fee, according to the schedule posted in the Planning Department, shall be paid to Vance County for each application for an amendment, to cover costs of advertising and other administrative expenses involved.
   (D)   Public hearing notices for changes.
      (1)   Notification procedure for text amendments or changes. A public hearing shall be set and published no less than 10 days nor more than 25 business days before the date fixed for the public hearing by the Board of Commissioners in a newspaper of general circulation in Vance County.
      (2)   Notification procedure for rezonings and map amendments. In addition to the required newspaper notification of zoning changes and amendments above in division (D)(1) above, rezonings and map amendments require that adjacent property owners be notified by first class mail. The Planning and Zoning Department shall cause such mailing to occur. Notice to all adjacent property owners and newspaper advertisement shall take place no less than 10 days nor more than 25 business days prior to the public hearing. Additionally notice of the public hearing must be posted on the affected property at least 10 days prior to the hearing.
   (E)   Reapplication for amendment. An application for any rezoning of the same property or any application for the same amendment to this chapter's text shall be permitted only once within any 1 year period, unless the application made is for a different use.
(Ord. 39, passed 10-3-2011)