(A)   The city utilities shall be under the exclusive management and control of a Board of Directors, to be known and designated as the City Utilities Board. The City Utilities Board shall consist of five members, each of whom shall be a resident of the area serviced by the city utilities.
   (B)   The directors each shall be appointed by the Mayor. The term of Director is four years. There are no term limits. Not more than three of the directors shall be affiliated with the same political party. Each director’s term shall begin on July 1.
   (C)   Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Mayor.
   (D)   Each of the directors elected shall immediately qualify for and take office as prescribed, and shall continue to serve as director and perform his or her duties as provided by law during the term for which he or she was appointed.
(‘89 Code, § 104.02)
   (E)   Each qualified director shall receive as full compensation for his or her service the sum of $200 per month. This sum shall be compensation for attendance at any and all regular and/or special meetings, and for any and all other services rendered to the City Department of Water Works.
(‘89 Code, § 104.03)
   (F)   The amount of the bond for each officer and member of the Board of Directors appointed to manage and control the Department of Water Works shall be $10,000.
(‘89 Code, § 104.04)
   (G)   Upon the election of the members of the Board of Water Works Directors and their qualification as required by law, they shall function as the Board of Directors of the Department of Water Works and shall have and possess all of the rights, powers, duties and liabilities that are set forth or prescribed by statute.
      (1)   The Board of Directors shall adopt and maintain the policies, rules and regulations of the Department and may bill its customers charges incidental to its operations and in accordance with its rules and regulations.
      (2)   The Board of Directors will make recommendations to the City Council on rates and fees. The City Council shall have the responsibility to set the rates and fees for the Department.
(‘89 Code, § 104.05)
   (H)   All liabilities incurred by the city in the ownership and operation of the Water Works system, including all necessary expenses incurred by the city in creation of the Department of Water Works and in effecting the transfer of the Water Works to the Board of Directors of the Water Department shall be assumed by the directors to pay and discharge in accordance with the provisions of the law. Payment and discharge of the liabilities may be made by the Board of Directors out of cash or proceeds of accounts receivable transferred by the Board of Public Works of the city or out of the operation and maintenance of the Depreciation Fund.
   (I)   The Board of Public Works shall relinquish and transfer to the Board of Water Works Directors control of all lands, personal properties and duties, subject to any contracts now in force, which have been in any way a part of or connected with the Water Works system of the city. It shall be the duty of the Board of Water Works Directors to receive the same as prescribed by law.
(‘89 Code, § 104.06) (Am. Ord. passed - -01; Am. Ord. 30-2011, passed 11-14-11)