(A)   All ordinances and resolutions shall be filed with the Clerk-Treasurer prior to the meeting at which the ordinance or resolution is to be considered. Any ordinance or resolution not contained in the published agenda of a particular meeting of the Common Council may be considered with the consent of the Council by a majority vote of the elected Council Members.
   (B)   All ordinances shall be read aloud in their entirety at the time of introduction and first reading. The second and third readings may be by a reading of only the title of the ordinance with the exception of ordinances for the appropriation of funds, which must be read in full upon third reading. An ordinance may be presented and approved at one meeting with the unanimous consent of not less than five members of the council being present and voting in favor of the action.
   (C)   All resolutions may be adopted at the time of their introduction if the action is approved by a majority vote of the elected members of the Common Council.
   (D)   All ordinances and resolutions and/or other action of the Common Council must be approved by a majority vote of the elected Council members. This shall mean that four affirmative votes must be made for the passage of any motion unless otherwise provided by law. In any action requiring a two- thirds vote of the elected members of the Common Council five affirmative votes must be made for the passage of any motion.
   (E)   The Mayor as Chairman or the President Pro Tempore shall require a vote by a calling of the roll for a motion made for the adoption of an ordinance or a resolution, which vote shall be taken and recorded by the City Clerk-Treasurer.
   (F)   Upon the adoption of an ordinance or resolution, the ordinance or resolution shall immediately be in effect unless otherwise stated therein, and the ordinance or resolution shall be processed and recorded as provided by law.
(‘89 Code, § 10.04)