(A)   No person shall operate, move or permit to be operated or moved upon any street within the city, which street is posted by the Board of Public Works, any vehicle or combination of vehicles exceeding a total gross weight, with load, of 10,000 pounds.
(‘89 Code, § 65.01)
   (B)   Division (A) above shall not apply if a permit is first secured from the Board of Public Works or its duly constituted agents or employees.
(‘89 Code, § 65.02)
   (C)   The Board of Public Works shall have the authority to post, from time to time, weight regulations as provided by division (A) above upon any of the streets of the city which in the opinion of the Board, require a restriction on vehicle weight.
(‘89 Code, § 65.03)
   (D)   The provisions of division (A) above shall not apply to local deliveries or pick-ups if made by shortest route to place of delivery or pick-up.
(‘89 Code, § 65.04) Penalty, see § 10.99