(A)   Any person riding a bicycle upon a street shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle under the laws of the state declaring rules of the road applicable to vehicles and under Chapter 71, except as to special regulations in this section and except as to those provisions of state law and Chapter 71 which by their nature can have no application.
(‘89 Code, § 67.01)
   (B)   Any person operating a bicycle shall obey the instructions of official traffic-control signals, signs and other devices applicable to vehicles unless otherwise directed by a police officer.
(‘89 Code, § 67.02)
   (C)   A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than astride a permanent and regular seat attached thereto. No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped.
(‘89 Code, § 67.03)
   (D)   A person operating a bicycle upon a street shall ride as near to the right-hand side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.
(‘89 Code, § 67.04)
   (E)   The operator of a bicycle emerging from an alley, driveway or building shall, upon approaching a sidewalk or the sidewalk area extending across any alleyway, yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians approaching on the sidewalk or sidewalk area, and upon entering the street shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on the street.
(‘89 Code, § 67.05)
   (F)   No person riding upon a bicycle shall attach the bicycle or him or herself to any vehicle upon a street.
(‘89 Code, § 67.06)
   (G)   No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle or article which prevents the rider from keeping at least one hand upon the handle bars.
(‘89 Code, § 67.07)
   (H)   (1)   No person shall park a bicycle upon a street other than upon the street against the curb, upon the sidewalk in a rack to support the bicycle, or against a building in a manner so as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrians’ traffic.
      (2)   When signs are erected indicating a bicycle parking zone no person shall park a vehicle in any bicycle parking zone in violation of the signs.
(‘89 Code, § 67.08)
   (I)   No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk in the city unless it is done with care and diligence, at a speed appropriate to the conditions, and the rider yields the right-of-way to pedestrians or other persons using the sidewalk.
(‘89 Code, § 67.09) (Am. Ord. passed - -)
   (J)   Each bicycle, when in use at night time, shall be equipped with a lamp on the front which shall emit a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front and with a red reflector on the rear of a type which shall be visible from all distances from 50 feet to 300 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful upper beams of headlamps on a motor vehicle.
(‘89 Code, § 67.10)
   (K)   Each bicycle shall be equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to make the braked wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
(‘89 Code, § 67.11)
   (L)   A rental agency shall not rent or offer any bicycle for rent unless the bicycle is registered and licensed through the Police Department and is equipped as required by this section.
(‘89 Code, § 67.17) (Am. Ord. passed - -)
   (M)   The parent of any child and the guardian of any hall not authorize or knowingly permit the child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this section.
(‘89 Code, § 67.18)
   (N)   No person or persons upon roller skates, skateboard or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device, shall go upon any roadway except while crossing the roadway at a crosswalk, and when so crossing, the person shall be granted all the rights and shall be subject to all the duties applicable to pedestrians. No person or persons upon roller skates, skateboard or riding in or by means of any toy vehicle, coaster or similar device shall go on any sidewalk or alleyway in any commercially zoned area within the city. This section shall not apply on any street or roadway set while aside as a play street pursuant to § 71.06.
(Ord. passed - -)
   (O)   Any person found guilty of violating any provision of this section may have his or her bicycle or skateboard impounded for up to 60 days at the discretion of the Chief of Police. The penalty, if imposed, is in lieu of the penalty provided in § 10.99.
(‘89 Code, § 67.08) (Am. Ord. passed - -)