§ 102.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Violations of the provisions of this chapter or failure to obtain the appropriate permit can lead to suspension or revocation of a collection box permit. The property owner and operator shall be jointly and severally liable for each violation and for payment of any penalty.
   (B)   All collection boxes existing within the city at the effective date of this chapter shall apply for a permit on or before April 1, 2020. Any collection box within the city that a permit has not been requested, shall be subject to all remedies for violation as provided herein.
   (C)   In the event that a collection box is in violation of this chapter, a $50 fine shall be applied, each day of noncompliance being considered a separate violation of this chapter. Violation notices shall be sent to the operator, at the address provided on the application, and the property owner at the address that appears on the application and (if different) the address listed by the Porter County Treasurer, as to where property tax bills are sent. Absent the collection box being brought into conformity with this chapter within 30 days of notice being sent, the city shall have the right to enter the property for the limited purpose of removing the collection box. Any salvageable items from the collection box shall be donated to a charity. Any costs incurred by the city in the removing of the collection box shall become a lien against the property and the city may avail itself of any legal remedy to collect such costs, including any court costs and legal fees incurred.
(Ord. 31, 2019, passed 11-25-19; Am. Ord. 4, 2020, passed 3-30-20)