For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALARM. An audible or mechanical or electrical signal from a detection system which indicates a disturbance of the detection system or some other activity that summons law enforcement.
   ALARM SITE. The location where an alarm or alarm system is located.
      (1)   Any assembly of equipment which is designed or functions to provide an audible or mechanical or electrical signal which indicates a disturbance or some other activity that summons law enforcement or the Fire Department.
      (2)   An ALARM SYSTEM shall not include:
         (a)   An alarm installed on a motor vehicle;
         (b)   A smoke detector not connected to an automatic dialing device; or
         (c)   An alarm system located in a private residence if the only response upon activation of the alarm system is an external sounding alarm that automatically stops within 15 minutes after activation.
   ALARM USER. Any individual, corporation, partnership or other legal entity in ownership or control of an alarm system.
   AUTOMATIC DIALING DEVICE. Any device connected to an alarm system which automatically sends a prerecorded message or coded signal to a selected telephone number indicating the need for an emergency response.
   EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL. An employee or employees of the Police Department or Fire Protection Territory who routinely respond to a summons for assistance when there is a reasonable belief that the need exists.
   FALSE ALARM. An alarm eliciting an emergency response when the situation does not require emergency services. For the purposes of this chapter, this does not include alarms triggered by severe atmospheric conditions or other circumstances not reasonably under the control of the alarm user, installer or maintained If cancellation of the alarm occurs prior to emergency response personnel's arrival at the alarm site, the response shall not be considered a false alarm.
   PERMIT HOLDER. The individual, corporation, partnership or other legal entity to whom an alarm system permit is issued.
   REGISTRATION PERMIT. The permit issued by the Police Department or its designee upon registration of each alarm system.
(Ord. 19-2017, passed 1-8-18)