For purposes of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BOARD. The Board of Public Works and Safety of the city.
BY-PASS. A channel formed in the topography of the surface of the earth to carry stormwater runoff through or around a specific area.
CITY ENGINEER. The City Engineer or his authorized representative.
COMMISSION. The Planning Commission of the city.
COMMON SWALE OR DITCH. A swale or ditch that conveys runoff from sites with multiple ownerships.
DETENTION BASIN. A structure or area of land that is configured to temporarily store a portion of the runoff from a site. The basin has a discharge control structure that allows all the stored runoff to drain away to a drainage course.
DETENTION BASIN, DRY BOTTOM. A detention basin that is designed to drain completely dry.
DETENTION BASIN, WET BOTTOM. A detention basin that is designed to permanently contain a volume of water below the storage volume.
DISCHARGE. The water released from a detention basin, drainage course or pump.
DISCHARGE CONTROL STRUCTURE. A structure that, by virtue of its size and/or its configuration, controls or regulates the rate of flow through it.
DISCHARGE RATE. The flow rate of the water released from a detention basin, drainage course or pump.
DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS. The mathematical calculation and supporting data required for the analysis and/or design of drainage course and/or detention basins.
DRAINAGE CONTROL MEASURE. The combinations of grading, swales, ditches, sewers, detention basins, etc. that are proposed to be used to control the runoff from and/or through a site.
DRAINAGE COURSE. A sewer, swale or ditch that conveys runoff.
DRAINAGE PLAN. A drawing showing the drainage control measure to be provided on a site. The drainage calculations, when required, shall be included as a part of the drainage plan.
GROUNDWATER RECHARGE. The process of returning water to the aquifer underlying the site.
PASS THROUGH RUNOFF. The runoff that enters the site from other locations in the tributary watershed.
RETENTION BASIN. A structure or area of land that is designed to store a portion of the runoff from a site, has no discharge control structure, and relies on evaporation, transpiration and percolation to remove the stored runoff.
RUNOFF. That portion of rainfall or pump discharge that is not taken up by vegetation, absorbed into the ground, or evaporated.
STANDARDS. The latest revision of the city’s Specifications and Standards for Acceptance of Municipal Improvements.
STORAGE VOLUME. The volume of storage provided in a detention or retention basin.
TRIBUTARY WATERSHED. The entire area that contributes runoff to a point.
(Ord. 26-2008, passed 7-14-08)