The following uses are permitted in Office Building, Research Laboratory and Light Manufacturing Districts:
   (a)   Professional, administrative, executive, sales, government, business and public utility office buildings;
   (b)   Laboratories for basic and applied research for experimental or testing purposes, including research of production processes, and such manufacturing and storage facilities as may be desirable for experimental or development work;
   (c)   Wholesale offices and showrooms, with accessory storage of goods limited to those permitted in this District;
   (d)   Storage and distribution establishments for finished or packaged goods, limited to furniture, carpets, rugs, other household goods and goods used in or produced by the manufacturing activities permitted in this District; and
   (e)   Manufacturing and assembly, limited to the following processes and products:
      (1)   Clothing and other textile products and leather goods from previously manufactured yarns and leathers, except that the manufacture of hosiery, shoes and hat bodies is not included herein;
      (2)   Cosmetics and toiletries and the compounding of pharmaceutical products from previously processed chemicals and other products;
      (3)   The fabrication, finishing, polishing and assembly of small products, limited to:
         A.   Jewelry, pins, needles, razor blades, bottle caps and buttons;
         B.   Cutlery and kitchen utensils;
         C.   Small electric appliances, such as lighting fixtures, irons, toasters, fans and electric toys;
         D.   Cameras and other photographic equipment, watches and clocks, except that the manufacture of photographic film is not included herein;
         E.   Toys, sporting goods and athletic equipment, such as balls, gloves, bats, racquets and rods;
         F.   Musical, medical, small engineering, scientific and measuring instruments;
         G.   Orthopedic and medical appliances;
         H.   The assembly of electrical equipment such as home radios, phonograph and television receivers and home movie equipment;
         I.   Electric and mechanical control and communication devices and equipment; and
         J.   Electrical supplies, such as wire and cable assembly, switches, lamps, insulation and dry cell batteries;
      (4)   Wooden furniture manufacture;
      (5)   Printing, publishing and engraving; and
      (6)   Novelty products from previously prepared materials.
(Ord. 65-5-2. Passed 9-14-65.)