(a)   Front Yards. The setback building line for a Business District shall be fifty feet, and no portion of the building or structure shall project in front of the setback building line. The front yard, comprised of the area between the setback building line and the street lot line, may be used for automobile parking spaces, provided driveways and parking spaces are smoothly graded, are gravel, slag, cinder or hard-surfaced and are adequately drained so that surface waters are not permitted to discharge over or onto public sidewalks or roadways or onto other premises. Light bulbs or tubes shall be shielded from adjacent residence areas and the lighting so arranged as to cause no annoying glare.
   (b)   Side Yards. Any building on a lot which adjoins a lot in a Country Home District shall have a side yard on that adjoining side of not less than twenty feet.
   (c)   Rear Yards. Each main building shall have a rear yard of a depth of not less than fifty feet, and no accessory building thereon shall be nearer than twenty feet to the rear lot line.
(Ord. 53-5-1. Passed 6-2-53.)