(a)   Compliance; Existing Driveways and Roads. All private driveways and roads proposed to be built in Industrial Districts shall be built in accordance with the requirements of this section. Those driveways and roads now in existence in Industrial Districts shall be upgraded, repaired and/or reconstructed to meet all of the requirements of this section within a period of six months from the effective date of this section (Ordinance 70-11-4, passed November 3, 1970).
   (b)   Submission of Plans. The applicant for a permit to construct a private driveway or roadway shall submit three sets of drawings, covering such proposed construction, to the Village Engineer for approval. Drawings so submitted shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   Data showing the existing and immediately abutting property lines in sufficient detail to clearly define the location and extent of the proposed construction and its effect on abutting lands shall be included.
      (2)   Topographical data, both existing and proposed, in sufficient detail to clearly define the proposed construction and its effect on abutting lands shall also be included. While paving surface gradient data is essential, surface water drainage patterns, both on-site and off-site, are the primary objectives of this requirement.
      (3)   Surface water drainage facilities data (i.e., storm sewers, catch basins, culverts, etc.), both existing and proposed, shall be shown on the drawings. Where such facilities are proposed, construction details shall be shown on such drawings.
      (4)   A typical roadway cross-section showing design detail of the proposed construction shall be shown on the drawings.
      (5)   A statement of usage shall accompany each submittal, such statement citing the type of vehicle expected to be provided for by the submitted design. In the case of truck traffic, the type of vehicle and the anticipated loaded weights shall be included.
   Drawings so submitted shall have been prepared by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the State and shall bear evidence of such license.
   (c)   Specifications. The specifications for construction of private industrial driveways and roadways shall be the same as those provided in Section 1020.08(c) and (d).
   (d)   Dust Abatement. Where such private driveways and roadways are used by trucks and other vehicles which transport dirt, materials or other debris that falls from such vehicles onto the private roadway causing dust and dirt to be blown into the air, the owner of such private driveway or roadway shall provide sprinkling and/or road cleaning services and devices which shall be employed to keep the driveway or roadway free from such dirt and debris at all times.
(Ord. 70-11-4. Passed 11-3-70.)