(A)   The intent of this section is to establish control by the city over the location of future potential sources of contamination within the city’s wellfield, within the city limits or within the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, so as to prevent or minimize any hazard to the safety of the city’s potable water system.
   (B)   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      WATER WELL. Any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted or otherwise constructed, screened and cased, for the purpose of exploring for groundwater, monitoring groundwater or extracting groundwater from an underground aquifer for public drinking water use.
      WELLFIELD. The area or region under which the city’s drinking water aquifer is located and which contains the city’s potable water wells for extraction of groundwater for public drinking water purposes. The city’s wellfield is described as follows: part of the NE quarter of the NW quarter of Section 6, T15N, R10E, 6th P.M., Douglas County, Nebraska, the point of beginning which exists 735.05 feet south of the N quarter corner of Section 6, T15N, R10E, along the east line of the NE quarter of the NW quarter of Section 6, thence west along a line perpendicular to the east line of the NE quarter of the NW quarter of Section 6 a distance of 751.95 feet; thence south along a line parallel to the east line of the NE quarter of the NW quarter of Section 6 a distance of 569.26 feet, thence east along a line perpendicular to the east line of the NE quarter of the NW quarter of Section 6 a distance of 751.95 feet; thence north along the east line of the NE quarter of the NW quarter of Section 6 a distance of 569.26 feet to the point of beginning. A plat of the described wellfield boundary is attached for reference.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful to place, maintain, construct or replace any of the following facilities or structures or to discharge any of the following materials within a distance of 1,200 feet from any point on the boundary of the city’s defined wellfield:
      (1)   Water well (drinking, irrigation, geothermal or injection);
      (2)   Chemical storage (dry or liquid);
      (3)   Petroleum storage;
      (4)   Sewage lagoon;
      (5)   Cesspool;
      (6)   Dump;
      (7)   Feedlot, feedlot runoff or animal waste disposal;
      (8)   Corral or animal enclosure;
      (9)   Pit toilet;
      (10)   Septic tank;
      (11)   Sanitary landfill;
      (12)   Sewage treatment plant;
      (13)   Sewage wet well;
      (14)   Absorption of disposal field for waste;
      (15)   Land application of solid or liquid waste; and
      (16)   Sanitary or industrial discharges.
   (D)   Water wells in existence and in use within the restricted area, as of February 14, 1995, the effective date of this section, shall continue to be permitted unless such continued existence or use presents a hazard to the quality of the drinking water available for public use to the city’s water system. The owner of any existing water well shall have the burden of establishing the existence and use of such well at the time of the effective date.
(Prior Code, § 6-229) Penalty, see § 10.99