A. Long term business plan:
Well thought out viable long term plan which includes growth in positive market conditions, plans for economic slowdowns with minimal layoffs, no closure = high score, No business plan = no score.
Example 1. The project has detailed outline and expects continued annual growth, there is a contingency for a market slowdown Score 10
Example 2. The project describes what they plan to do, but not in detail, no projected growth, unsure of how well the business will operate over time Score 3
B. Estimated growth over 5 years, 10 years:
Duration of project 25 years or more = higher score; short term projects 10 years = low score.
Example 1. The project plans on operating for 8 years then relocating. Score 0
Example 2. The project plans to operate indefinitely in Valley County. Score 10 (Ord. 19-08, 9-30-2019)