(Emphasis on employer provided housing).
A. Will the project offer employee housing:
Example 1. The project will offer housing to all employees. Score 10
Example 2. The project will offer housing to 50% of its workforce. Score 5
Example 3. The project will only offer housing to management staff. Score 3
B. How many units:
Percentage of housing to employees, some latitude for projects that have large employee bases. Under 30 employees. # of employees receiving housing / total # of employees.
For large employers, in excess of 30 employees, the difference between the percentage of employees housed versus not housed will receive only .5 deduction (60% not offered housing 60 *.5 =30% reduction).
Example 1. The project plans to have 20 employees, all of whom will receive on site housing. Score 10
Example 2. The project will have 50 employees, but only have 25 housing units, 50% * 1.5 = score 7.5
Example 3. The project will not offer housing. Score = 0
Example 4. The project will have 25 employees, only management staff of 4 is offered housing. 4 / 25 = 1.6 Score 2 (rounded up)
Example 5. The project will have 28 employees. 14 employees will be offered housing. 14 / 28 = Score 5
C. New structure:
Multifamily housing, cannot be sold or used as temporary vacation rentals, individual housing, cannot be sold or used as temporary vacation rentals. If housing is built for more than 50% of employees, score 10, if housing is built for less than 50% but more than 25% score 5, if housing is built for less than 25% of employees, score 2.
D. Existing structure (Location):
Impact on where housing is located, did it take away from overall market rental opportunities?
Example 1. Buildings exist on site, but were warehouses previously, then converted into individual living units. Score 10
Example 2. The project is going to utilize existing dwellings located on site. Score 7
Example 3. The project is purchasing existing building and converting it to living units Score 10
Example 4. The project purchases existing off site multifamily dwellings for employee only use, displacing others. Score = 0 (Ord. 19-08, 9-30-2019)
(less impact = higher score)
A. Local Roads:
Will the project include heavy equipment on the roads, will the employees be commuting long distances?
Example 1. Project will bus employees from specific location to site, minimizing impact. Score 10
Example 1a. Same as above, but the project will also have many heavy equipment vehicles on the roadways. Score 6
Example 2. The company will have 30 employees who commute. Score 4
Example 2a. Same as above, however the project will also have several heavy equipment vehicles on the roadways. Score 1
B. Local EMS, Fire District:
Will the project consist of services that may put a strain on local emergency services?
Projects that have higher personal injury risk will get a low score.
Projects that have new dwellings on site housing units will also have a low score.
May consult with EMS supervisors for guidance and impact.
Example 1. The project will be a manufacturing facility that will employ 40 people. The people use heavy machine/tools for manufacturing. The potential for injury or needed emergency response will be greater. Score 6
Example 2. The project will have 20 dwelling units on site for employee housing. Increasing the need for emergency services. Score 5
Example 3. The project will relocate 30 employees to Valley County. More demand on the emergency services. Score 6
Example 4. The project is a manufacturing facility that uses large machine tools and will employ 80, 30 people have been relocated to Valley County, the project built 25 housing units on site, and 20 more units off site. Using the above examples this will create a high demand for emergency services, the score will be 0.
C. Local Law Enforcement District:
Depending on which law enforcement district the project will be located could have an impact towards law enforcement response time. Areas covered by Valley County Sheriff's office may have an effect on response time; whereas projects in the City of McCall may be able to respond faster.
Example 1. The project is located in Yellow Pine. The Valley County Sheriff office will have much longer response time versus if the project was located in Cascade. Score will be 1.
Example 2. The project is located in the City of McCall, response time would be quicker. However, depending on the number of employees the project hires, the City of McCall may need additional staff.
D. Local Hospital District:
Will the project have an impact on the hospital district it is located in? Is the project considered non-hazardous or hazardous?
Example 1. The project is a sawmill that fabricates large glulam beams and employs 20 people. This particular industry has a higher percentage of worker injuries. The score would be 4.
Example 1a. The same glulam sawmill will employ 200 people. The number of employees would have a much larger impact versus the project that has 20 employees. The score would be 1.
Example 2. The project will manufacture fishing poles. There are less than 20 employees. This industry has a lower percentage of worker injuries. The score would be 10
Example 2a. The same fishing pole manufacture project will employ 200 people. While this is a statistically safer manufacturing project, the number of employees would have a larger impact versus the project that has 20 employees. The score would be 7.
E. Local School District:
If the project is primarily located in McCall school district, the amount of employee's children put a strain on the school. If the project is located primarily within the Cascade school district will the amount of employees' children create an additional base for the school? This may need to be adjusted over time as the capacity fluctuates.
Example 1. Project is expected to employee 30 people in the McCall school district, these employee's may have children who will attend public schools. Score 3
Example 2. Project is expected to employ 30 people in the Cascade school district, these employee's may have children who will attend public schools. Since Cascade Schools are under quota this could be seen as a positive impact. Score 7
F. Environmental Impact/Pollution:
Will the project emit pollution via air, water, land, noise, waste.
Example 1. Project will have 2 smoke stacks, use existing water resources for operations, will include machinery at the site, will operate 24 hours a day. Score 1
Example 2. Project has ensured every measure to limit the impacts of air, noise, light, water pollutions. Score 10
G. Utilities (LEED):
What measures will the project utilize to have less impact on the environment?
Example 1. Solar panels and energy efficiency has been taken into account during construction. Score 10
Example 2. Poorly insulated building, heavy electric usage on the grid. Score 1
H. Utilities - Electricity, Water, Sewer.
Will the project place a strain on existing services, will those services need upgraded to accommodate the project?
Example 1. Project will need to tie into city sewer system, city water system. Idaho Power will need to install new electric lines for the project. Score 1
Example 2. Project will tie into city sewer, but have their own well system. Score 5
Example 3. Project will provide their own septic, water and solar electrical systems. Score 10
I. Utilizing of local businesses for material/goods.
Will the project buy materials locally? Utilize legal, advertising, etc. in their operations.
Example 1. Project plans to contract a local machine company to make parts, hires a local accountant and law firm. Score 10
Example 2. Project will ship materials from out of the area when resources are available in area. Does hire a local accountant, but hires other services from out of the area. Score 3
Example 3. Project does not utilize any existing businesses for resources, tangible or intangible. Score 1 (Ord. 19-08, 9-30-2019)
Scoring Matrix for 63-602NN attached to Ord. 19-08 as Title 1 - Chapter 9: Appendices. (Ord. 19-08, 9-30-2019)