A.   Permit Required: A permit is required before any sign regulated by these provisions is displayed or built on any premises in this jurisdiction.
   B.   Application Form:
      1.   Contents: Applications shall be made on forms provided by the county planning and zoning department. The content of the application shall be as required herein and shall include all of the information needed to complete the application form, supplementary drawings of the sign plan, and any other information needed to complete the application review.
      2.   Fee: The application shall be accompanied by the fee set forth in section 9-7-10 of this chapter.
   C.   Sign Plan: A sign plan shall be included with the application and shall contain at least the following information:
      1.   Information requirements:
         a.   Materials to be used in manufacturing and constructing the sign.
         b.   Sign size, message size or field of lettering, and proportions.
         c.   Lettering size or graphic style.
         d.   Design features other than lettering such as symbols, logos, etc.
         e.   Color scheme.
         f.   Lighting, if proposed.
         g.   Location of each sign on the building(s) and/or property.
      2.   Sign plans shall be drawn neatly to scale to present a clear and accurate picture of the proposal. More than one drawing and drawings at various scales may be used.
      3.   The sign plan shall be a simple layout reviewed for compliance with standards and artistic merit.
      4.   Artistic merit shall be seen in two (2) categories:
         a.   Display skill of handiwork, line work and mechanics.
         b.   Exhibit quality and design in signage layout and lettering.
   D.   Application Review: The sign permit application will be accepted when the completed forms, including a sign plan and fee are submitted to the planning and zoning office in person or by mail. The application will be reviewed by office personnel (staff) within seven (7) working days of acceptance of a complete application. The permit will be either approved or denied based upon compliance with provisions herein. If the application is denied, staff will include a written statement of the specific reasons for denial. The applicant may correct the application and request another review by staff. The applicant may appeal any action of staff regarding the review of an application to the planning and zoning commission according to section 9-7-9 of this chapter.
   E.   Permit Issued: When staff has completed the review of the application and has found that the proposal complies with the provisions herein, staff will promptly approve the permit. Staff will notify the applicant by phone or mail. The applicant may then construct, build and display the sign and shall notify staff that the work approved by the permit has been completed. (Ord. 10-06, 8-23-2010)