Signs exempted from county permit requirements are as follows:
A. Directional Or Informational Signs: Directional or informational signs that are no larger than three (3) square feet per face, which help direct on premises land uses or activities, and do not display an advertising message (for example: public convenience signs identifying restrooms, public telephones, walkways and similar features or facilities, parking directions, etc.).
B. Memorial Signs Or Tablets: Memorial signs or tablets displaying names of buildings and dates of erection, when cut into the surface or facade of the building.
C. Signs Required By Law Or Serve Public Interest: Signs required by law or that serve the public interest such as traffic signs, railroad crossing signs, legal notices, warnings of temporary emergencies, construction zones, presence of underground cables, utility signs, and similar signs installed on public property and are owned and maintained by county, state, or federal agencies or a public utility company.
D. Signs Or Banners For Nonprofit Community Or Civic Events: Signs or banners that bear no product advertising and announce nonprofit community or civic events. Such signs or banners shall be removed within seven (7) days following the event.
E. Signs Visible Only On Parcel Where Found: A sign that is visible only from within the parcel on which it is found.
F. Signs Within Limits Of Municipality: Signs to be built within the limits of a municipality.
G. Identification Signs: Signs that identify the architects, engineers, contractors, lenders, government agencies or programs (for instance: FHA, HUD, FMHA, low cost housing, senior citizen center, etc.) and other individuals or firms involved with the construction. This shall not include any advertisement of any product, or signs announcing the character of the building enterprise or the purpose for which the building is intended, or use of the project. The signs shall be confined to the site of the construction and shall be removed within fourteen (14) days after the beginning of the intended use of the project.
H. Homeowner Locator Signs: Homeowner locator signs placed at intersections are traditional in the county and are allowed if each sign is not more than one square foot per face and the mounting device is located off public road rights of way. Such signs shall be kept in good repair.
I. Signs Advertising Sale, Rental Or Lease Of Real Property: Signs advertising the sale, rental, or lease of real property or part of the real property on which the signs are displayed up to a total area of thirty two (32) square feet per face. The number of signs shall be limited to one sign per parcel up to and including forty (40) acres, or not more than one sign per frontage. All such signs shall be confined to the property to which they apply. Such signs shall be removed within fourteen (14) days after the sale, rental or lease. However, permanent signs advertising rental units are not permitted on a permanent basis unless the business has been issued a conditional use permit.
J. Political Signs: Signs announcing candidates seeking public political office and other data pertinent thereto, up to an area of thirty two (32) square feet for each premises. Such signs shall be confined to private property and removed within fourteen (14) days after the election for which they were intended.
K. Show Window Signs: Show window signs in a window display of merchandise when incorporated with such a display. (Ord. 10-06, 8-23-2010)