NONCONFORMING SIGN: Any sign, sign structure or use of sign existing before enactment of this title that does not conform to the standards cited by this title.
   OFF PREMISES OR OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGNS: Any sign that directs attention to the use, name, business, commodity, service, entertainment or land use conducted, sold, or offered elsewhere than the sign location.
ON PREMISES SIGNS: Any sign or advertising structure whose message identifies the property on which the sign is located, its owner or tenant, or directs attention to an offer for sale, lease or rent of said property, or warns the public as to danger, or trespassing thereon, or directs the public upon said property, or informs the public as to current or proposed use of the property, or recites the name of the land use, business, proprietor or nature of products or services provided or manufactured upon said property. (Ord. 10-06, 8-23-2010)