A.   Commission Consideration: The commission shall consider the application at the date, time and place specified in the advertisement in accordance with the agenda prepared by the administrator or staff and in accordance with the rules, procedures, and bylaws adopted by the commission.
   B.   Criteria For Granting: The commission shall grant an application when a preponderance of the evidence presented to the commission establishes:
      1.   The application and the proposed project is consistent with this title.
      2.   The proposed project, by its compatibility rating, is shown not to have any unreasonable negative impacts on adjacent property if all the terms of the application and/or terms of applicable development agreements are satisfied.
      3.   The proposed project will not place any unreasonable burden on the public infrastructure. In the case of an application for a PUD, and, if directed by the board, the commission shall be entitled to defer the presentation of evidence regarding, and decisions regarding, this item to the board.
   C.   Application Tabled: The commission may table the application to a future specified date when:
      1.   Testimony during the public hearing provides conflicting information.
      2.   When new information or questions are raised that, in the opinion of the commission, should be studied by the administrator or staff.
      3.   When a legal opinion or counsel is needed.
      4.   When additional information is needed from the applicant.
   D.   Commission Approval; Recommendation To Board: The commission may approve the application as proposed or with conditions stipulated by the administrator or staff and/or the commission. The commission's approval of a conditional use permit for a planned unit development shall be a recommendation to the board of county commissioners who will consider the item at a public hearing. (Ord. 10-06, 8-23-2010)