9-4-3-1: LOT AREA:
   A.   Minimum Lot Size And Configuration: The minimum lot size and configuration for all permitted uses shall be at least sufficient to accommodate water supply facilities, sewer disposal facilities, replacement sewage disposal facilities, buildings, parking areas, streets or driveways, open areas, accessory structures, and setbacks as required by provisions of this chapter.
   B.   Single-Family Residence: However, in no case, shall a single- family residence be located on a lot split from a platted lot or on a parcel of land divided from an original parcel without platting that is less than one acre in area where individual sewage disposal and individual water supply system are proposed. Where either a central water supply system or a central sewage collection and disposal system, or both, is available, such lots or parcels shall be not less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet in area. The minimum areas stated in this section do not apply to original parcels. (Ord. 10-06, 8-23-2010)