Each development impact fee advisory committee established by this chapter shall serve as an advisory committee to the county board of commissioners. In the case of advisory committees established by an intergovernmental agreement, the advisory committees shall also serve as an advisory committee to the governing body of any district with whom the county has an intergovernmental agreement to enact an impact fee ordinance. Each advisory committee is charged with the following responsibilities:
   A.   Assist in adopting land use assumptions; and
   B.   Review the capital improvements plan; and
   C.   Monitor and evaluate implementation of the capital improvements plan; and
   D.   File with the impact fee administrator and the county clerk (at least annually) a report of any perceived inequities in implementing the capital improvements plan or imposing development impact fees; and
   E.   Advise the county board of commissioners and the governing body of the other party (per the respective intergovernmental agreement) of the need to update or revise land use assumptions of capital improvements plans; and
   F.   The county and the governing body of the other party (per the respective intergovernmental agreement) shall make available to the advisory committees, upon request, all financial and accounting information, professional reports in relation to development and implementation of land use assumptions of the capital improvements plans, and of the need for periodic updates to the capital improvements plan(s).
(Ord. 2024-01, 10-16-2023)