(A)   Filing specifications. The original drawing of the final plat shall be submitted in waterproof ink on mylar or acetate or other durable material suitable for reproducing copies. Final plat maps shall be drawn at a scale of 200 feet to 1 inch or larger and printed on sheets no larger than 28 by 36 inches. When more than 1 sheet is used to include the entire subdivision, all sheets shall be cut to the same size and shall show appropriate references to other sheets of the subdivision. The subdivider shall also submit 2 paper copies of the final plat map and accompanying information.
   (B)   Map specifications. The final plat map shall include all required documentation enumerated in § 151.045 (A) and (B) herein these regulations and the following information:
      (1)   Name of the subdivision, scale, north arrow, and date;
      (2)   Permanent monuments or descriptions and ties to the monuments to which all dimensions, angles, bearings and similar data on the plat shall be referred;
      (3)   Tract boundary lines, easements and right-of-way lines, and property lines of residential lots and other sites, with accurate dimensions, bearings or deflection angles, and radii, arcs and central angles of all curves;
      (4)   Accurate description of legal access to, roads to, and utility easements for each parcel, and if the access or easement is based upon an agreement, the recording data in the land records for the agreement;
      (5)   Name, right-of-way width, and centerline data of each road or other right-of-way;
      (6)   Location, dimensions and purpose of all easements and dedicated public sites;
      (7)   Number of each parcel in progression, with its dimensions, and the dimensions of all land dedicated for public use or for the use of the owners of parcels fronting on or contiguous to the land;
      (8)   Names of owners of contiguous unplatted land;
      (9)   Delineation of any 100 year floodplain as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency;
      (10)   The names of the owner or owners of the subdivision, and the developer if other than the owner;
      (11)   The certification of a surveyor registered in New Mexico attesting to the accuracy of the plat, and the date of the survey; and
      (12)   Legal description indicating the range, township, and section within which the subdivision is located.
   (C)   Affidavit. The final plat shall contain a statement that the land being subdivided is subdivided in accordance with the final plat. The final plat shall be acknowledged by the owner and the subdivider or their authorized agents in the manner required for the acknowledgment of deeds. Every final plat submitted to the County Clerk shall be accompanied by the affidavit of the owner and the subdivider, or authorized agents, stating whether or not the proposed subdivision lies within the subdivision regulations jurisdiction of the county. A copy of the final plat shall be provided to every purchaser, lessee, or other person acquiring an interest in the subdivided land before sale, lease or other conveyance.
   (D)   Dedication. The final plat shall contain a certificate stating that the Board of County Commissioners has accepted, accepted subject to improvement, or rejected, on behalf of the public, any land offered for dedication for public use in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. On full conformity with county road construction standards, the roads may be accepted for maintenance by the county. Acceptance of offers of dedication on a final plat shall not be effective until the final plat is filed in the Office of the County Clerk or a resolution of acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners is filed in that office.
   (E)   Disclosure statement. For all subdivisions, a disclosure statement shall be prepared in accordance with the standardized format provided in § 151.162 of these regulations. It is unlawful to sell, lease or otherwise convey land in a subdivision until the required disclosure statement has been filed with the County Clerk, the Board of County Commissioners, and the Attorney General's Office; and then until the prospective purchaser, lessee or other person acquiring an interest in the subdivided land has been given a copy of the disclosure statement.
   (F)   Conformity. The Board of County Commissioners shall not approve the plat of any subdivision if the subdivider cannot reasonably demonstrate that he or she can fulfill the proposals contained in his or her disclosure statement or if the subdivider has not conformed with the New Mexico Subdivision Act and the County's Subdivision Chapter.
   (G)   Land Sales Act. Any subdivider who has satisfied the disclosure requirement of the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act may submit the approved statement of record in lieu of the disclosure statement required by the New Mexico Subdivision Act. However, any information required in the New Mexico Subdivision Act and not covered in the subdivider's statement of record shall be attached to the statement of record.
   (H)   Environment Department approval. For any subdivision requiring construction of a public water supply system or a community liquid waste system, documentation of approval from the New Mexico Environment Department and office of the State Engineer shall be required for final plat approval.
   (I)   Recording. The final plat is in full force and effect only after having been recorded in the office of the County Clerk within 1 year after the date of approval by the board of County Commissioners.
(Ord. passed 5-1-2000) Penalty, see § 151.999