For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUILDING CODE. The Uniform Building Code promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials, as adopted by this jurisdiction.
   COMMISSION. The Board of Commissioners of Valencia County, New Mexico.
   CONTRACTOR. An entity retained by the county as provided by law to remove abandoned structures, manufactured or mobile homes, wreckage, rubbish or debris.
   COUNTY. Valencia County government.
   COUNTY CLERK. The Valencia County Clerk.
   DAYS. All references to DAYS shall refer to calendar days.
   FIRE CHIEF. The Valencia County Fire Marshal or his or her designee.
   INSPECTOR. The Building Inspector or any subsequently titled position charged with the responsibility of making inspections to enforce the provisions of the housing code adopted by this jurisdiction.
   LIEN. Any unpaid assessment for costs associated with removal of any property as identified in this chapter, together with interest and penalties on all of the foregoing and cost in connection therewith, which is a lien on real property duly recorded in the land records of the County Clerk.
   MANAGER. Valencia County Manager or his or her authorized designee.
   OWNER. The property owner, whether or not residing in the premises.
   PERSON Any natural person or any firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind and as identified in § 91.020 herein.
   PREMISES. An improved or unimproved structure, designed for private or commercial use.
   PUBLIC NUISANCE. A nuisance shall include any nuisance as defined in this chapter including but not limited to Chapter 92: Public Nuisances.
   SHERIFF. The Valencia County Sheriff or his or her authorized deputy.
   ZONING OFFICER. The Zoning Officer charged with the responsibility of enforcing the Valencia County Comprehensive Zoning Chapter, as amended.
(Ord. 2003-2, passed 12-17-2003)