As used in this subchapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
   DANGEROUS/DAMAGED POLE. Any utility pole that is structurally compromised due to weather, a traffic incident, and/or age and poses a potential threat to public safety.
   DOUBLE POLE. Any old utility pole which is attached or in close proximity to a new utility pole.
   PERSON. Any natural person or any firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
   PLANT. The cables, terminals, conductors and other fixtures necessary for transmitting electric, telephone, cable television, or other telecommunications service.
   PUBLIC UTILITY. Any corporation, authority or other entity that provides electric, telephone, cable television, or other service, including telecommunications service, to the residents of Valencia County.
   DEPARTMENT. The Code Enforcement Department, and its authorized representatives, including the planning and zoning manager, code enforcement officers, the emergency services personnel, and the animal control manager.
   UTILITY POLE. A column or post used to support service lines for a public utility.
   WRITTEN NOTIFICATION/WRITTEN NOTICE. A writing directed to a representative of a pubic utility, who may be designated by the utility to receive such notice, sent by regular mail, facsimile transmission, or electronic mail.
(Ord. 2021-04, passed 10-20-2021)