§ 1-5-9 VACANCIES.
   A Council member shall continue to hold his or her office until his or her successor is duly qualified. A Council seat shall become vacant whenever any Council member is recalled, dies, becomes incapacitated, resigns, ceases to be a resident of the town or is convicted of a felony. If a vacancy occurs with 365 or more days remaining in the unexpired term of the Council position vacated, a special election shall be called to fill said term. If a vacancy occurs with 364 days or less remaining in the full unexpired term of the Council position vacated, the Council may choose to call an election or to appoint an individual to fill said term. If three or more vacancies exist simultaneously, the remaining Council members shall, at the next regular meeting of the Council, call a special election to fill said terms, provided there will not be a regular municipal election within 90 days and provided that their successors have not previously been elected.
(Charter(1972) § 3.9)