(A) Placement. The placement of walls and fences shall respect existing landforms and fit into land massing rather than arbitrarily follow site boundary lines. Fences shall not be encouraged except to screen trash areas, utility equipment and the like.
(B) Design. Design of fences, walls, and other structural landscape features shall be of materials compatible with the site and the materials of the structures on the site. Retaining walls and cribbing should utilize natural materials such as wood timbers, logs, rocks or textured, color tinted concrete. No chainlink fences shall be allowed except as temporary construction fences or as required for recreational facilities.
(C) Setbacks observed. All accessory uses and structures except fences, hedges, walls and landscaping, or ground level site development such as walks, driveways and terraces shall be located within the required minimum setback lines on each site. Recreational amenities may be exempted by the Design Review Board if it determines that their location is not detrimental environmentally and/or aesthetically.
(D) Sight triangle. To minimize traffic hazards at street intersections by improving visibility for drivers of converging vehicles in any district where setbacks are required, no fence or structure over three feet in height shall be permitted within the triangular portion of a corner lot measured from the point of intersection of the lot lines abutting the streets a distance of 30 feet along each lot line.
(E) Height limitations. Height limitations. Fences, hedges, walls and landscaping screens shall not exceed three feet in height within any required front setback area and shall not exceed six feet in height in any other portion of the site, except in the Community Housing-1 (CH-1), Community Housing- 2 (CH-2), and Community Housing–3 (CH-3) Districts where retaining walls shall not exceed an exposed face height of 15 feet. Higher fences, hedges, walls or landscaping screens may be authorized by the Administrator when necessary to screen public utility equipment. No barbed wire or electrically charged fence shall be erected or maintained.
(Ord., 9-21-1999; Ord. 29(2023) § 4; Ord. 6(2024) § 14)