§ 12-27-7 MICRO WSFs.
   (A)   No permit shall be required for the installation, placement, operation, maintenance or replacement of a micro WSF that is suspended on cable operator-owned cables or lines that are strung between existing utility poles in compliance with applicable law.
   (B)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, the town may require a permit for installation, placement, operation, maintenance or replacement of a micro WSF where the installation, placement, operation, maintenance or replacement:
      (1)   Involves working within a highway travel lane or requires the closure of a highway travel lane;
      (2)   Disturbs the pavement or a shoulder, roadway or ditch line;
      (3)   Includes placement on limited access rights-of-way; or
      (4)   Requires any specific precautions to ensure the safety of the traveling public; the protection of public infrastructure; or the operation of public infrastructure; and such activities either were not authorized in, or will be conducted in a time, place or manner that is inconsistent with, the approval terms of the existing permit for the facility or structure upon which the micro WSF is attached.
(Ord. 8(2018) § 1)